About this album
A new album with Wade, Peda, Itocpogo, Pewi and Mark highlighted with their beautiful melodies played on the sax. Many thanks to Ernie, Ray, Timp, Onorium, Jypeka, WhiteDrum55, Egil and Demian for these delicious musical moments.
created by
on Nov 15, 2017
Thumbs: 8
Listened: 756 times
Involved artists
A new album with Wade, Peda, Itocpogo, Pewi and Mark highlighted with their beautiful melodies played on the sax. Many thanks to Ernie, Ray, Timp, Onorium, Jypeka, WhiteDrum55, Egil and Demian for these delicious musical moments.

Thumbs: 8
Listened: 756 times
Involved artists

Featuring someone else's instrument?
+3Review by Wade on Nov 15, 2017
Shows that sort of player ARNOSOLO is. The magic here isn't the sax, it's ARNOSOLO's wonderful music that inspired each to add.

Nice Album
+2Review by Ernie440 on Nov 23, 2023
Great tracks with sax!!! Awesome playing Arno, glad to be in on a couple jams :D:W

What talent this Arno !
+2Review by Jypeka on Dec 22, 2017
A real Swiss knife, comfortable in all styles
Sensitivity and exceptional feeling
Thanks for adding to this album

What a fantastic meeting!
+2Review by Pewi on Nov 17, 2017
At this point I would like to thank you for your beautiful compositions. We at Wind Volk depend on musicians who provide us with such templates on Wikiloops!
It is a great pleasure for me to be on the same cd with my idols!

glad to be here
+2Review by Demian on Nov 16, 2017
Thanks Arno friend! Glad to be here in your album, with many talented people and i think you are a great talented musician with many creative ideas. This Album have a great style. Nice, slow music, but with many power and feeling!

An Honor To Be on Same Album with "Wind" Stars
+2Review by Itocpogo on Nov 15, 2017
I am very honored that ARNOSOLO included me in his Album with very talented sax and flute musicians and so very talented guitar, keys, drums, bass musicians. The Smooth Jazz mood of the album set by the luscious playing of these sax/flute musicians and the rhythm sections. ARNOSOLO produced a very entertaining listening experience that I can listen to all day.

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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician