R.E.A. Band - ROCK Album

About this album
Here is the 1st of the 2 albums that I am preparing to publish and that I dedicate to my friends of the 1st hour, I speak of the genialissime Ernie and grandiose Ray. Thank you my friends for your trust, your musical fidelity, your talent and especially for the pleasure you get me.
I do not forget Tof and Arie who came to bring the cherry on the cake with their incredible melodies.
A special mention to my friend the incredible Glen, charismatic and evil singer of Wiki Legend's band.
created by
on Nov 20, 2017
Thumbs: 8
Listened: 1034 times
Involved artists
Here is the 1st of the 2 albums that I am preparing to publish and that I dedicate to my friends of the 1st hour, I speak of the genialissime Ernie and grandiose Ray. Thank you my friends for your trust, your musical fidelity, your talent and especially for the pleasure you get me.
I do not forget Tof and Arie who came to bring the cherry on the cake with their incredible melodies.
A special mention to my friend the incredible Glen, charismatic and evil singer of Wiki Legend's band.

Thumbs: 8
Listened: 1034 times
Involved artists

Where's the Beef?
+3Review by DrStrgeglv on Dec 16, 2017
I feel like this band is missing something.... ...can't put my finger on it......
it's very nice

Fantastic Collection from R.E.A. group!
+3Review by Ernie440 on Nov 23, 2017
Wow, can't believe I miss Ray ... lol It was so much fun being part of this "band" with you and him and I love that you put this album together, Thanks Arno!! :D

+2Review by rp3drums on Jun 30, 2019
I missed this one too! Awesome. Thanks so much buddy. It has been a pleasure.
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