Exile & Exodus
About this album
This is an eclectic set of atmospheric songs.
Thanks for all involved in this project. created by Caroljoyce on May 7, 2020
Thumbs: 7
Listened: 750 times
Involved artists
This is an eclectic set of atmospheric songs.
Thanks for all involved in this project. created by Caroljoyce on May 7, 2020
Thumbs: 7
Listened: 750 times
Involved artists
Like Exploring Outer Space
+3Review by Wade on May 8, 2020
This is wonderful music that goes in it's own direction. It's the essence of why I love Wikiloops.
Review by JEF29730 on May 8, 2020
hey! vraiment ravi de faire parti de cette belle selection de titres , ça me fait très plaisir, merci Agnès :) et bravo ! :)
Eclectic Electic Harp
+1Review by Jypeka on May 9, 2020
Bel album, belle sélection de titres
Merci de m'avoir fait monter à bord ... 4 x ! :)
permanent movement
+1Review by ERWAN on May 8, 2020
" Tha mi ag iarraidh labhairt mu eilean a chruthachadh: cuimhne a dh’fhàgadh tu gun aon sùil a-mhàin a thoirt air ais." - Peter MacKay -
(Je veux parler de la création d’une île: Un souvenir d'où vous pourriez partir, avec un regard en arrière.)
Glad to have been present at your side on this Album
Nuf said!
+1Review by Evilvince on May 8, 2020
Another journey with Agnès on these soundscapes. I'm proud to be in this album my dear
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