
About this album
Many thanks to all the great Wikiloopers without their cool templates this album would never come about.
Special thanks to Baer, jablue, haddock, Horst phil & Fishinmissio for your music to the title "Traumschloss". Unfortunately, the tree was full and I had to start with my remix a completely new project ;o)
Long live wikiloops; o)
created by
on Dec 25, 2015
Thumbs: 12
Listened: 2680 times
Involved artists
Many thanks to all the great Wikiloopers without their cool templates this album would never come about.
Special thanks to Baer, jablue, haddock, Horst phil & Fishinmissio for your music to the title "Traumschloss". Unfortunately, the tree was full and I had to start with my remix a completely new project ;o)
Long live wikiloops; o)

Thumbs: 12
Listened: 2680 times
Involved artists

Great collection of lovely songs
+1Review by jmrukkers on Apr 16, 2016
This is a superb sampling of Ulo's smoother side. Much enjoyed hearing some of my favourite tracks on this album.

Cool smoothies!
+1Review by Marceys on Dec 25, 2015
Hey Uloisius,
Great to be on another album of yours!
The track "dann ist es Liebe" became so cool with your singing! Love that track man!
Great to be on another album of yours!
The track "dann ist es Liebe" became so cool with your singing! Love that track man!
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