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Cody & Titi by titi

Cody & Titi

Cody & Titi
About this album

Fruit of my additions, this is before anything else a hommagee returned to the extraordinary work of Cody.
A look behind on my tracks revealed me the number of time or Cody caught me with his magnificent compositions.
I thus deliver you some selected tunes.
Thank you Tom for all your work ! In the name of all !!! titi created by titi on May 3, 2016

Thumbs: 9
Listened: 1277 times

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Agree !


Review by Tofzegrit on May 3, 2016

Yes, Tom gives us so magnificient tracks to play with!
Each of us could find his style or mood in his huge multistyle production.
Merci Titi for sharing this with us cause don't forget, you are a master player too :)

G R E A T ;o)


Review by Uloisius on May 3, 2016

Terrific album from titi, the master of the well-tempered harmonica sounds and cody, the master-musician ever ;o)
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