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MOF on the loops by OliVBee

MOF on the loops

MOF on the loops
About this album

The amount of multiple talents on the loops is just stunning ! My many thanks to all the wonderful contributors : you guys are precious !

From the intimacy of a duet format to a full blasting band, Marmotte's ability to find the right balance for a song is a pure delish ;) OliVBee created by OliVBee on Sep 12, 2016

Thumbs: 22
Listened: 4042 times

Involved artists

Ouch, ouch, ouch..


Review by nuno1959 on Sep 13, 2016

Oh boy, this is so tight, sounds so right & so groovy it's right there between pleasure & pain in the best possible way, almost an ''eargasm'' !
Definitely a download to later listen to this LOUD - as if everyone is playing live in my living room.. - while working away in my workshop
Fine group of participating musicians + a great roster of tunes makes for a fine example of how all encompassing the Loops can be:
From a beginner's simple guitar tune to these musical pearls, one not excluding the other & both receiving the support of the community, fantastic !
Finally, last but not least, Mr.O'Show's amazing recording & mixing skills - i suspect he too was dropped in a cauldron as a child, only instead of Potion Magique like a certain plump Gaulois hero we all know it was full of Magique Musicale…
Bless the Universe, we're all richer for it !
Fine work everyone involved, a thrill..



Review by Tofzegrit on Sep 12, 2016

I was waiting for this !!!!
OliV, the breathe keeper, shows here what wikiloops is able to become: a place for meetings and fun.
Many times, Talent drives everybody in the same direction and that MOF ON THE LOOPS is.
And there are some "cream on the cake" musicians here.
A last word about the girl... Marmotte, tu déchires!



Review by Marceys on Sep 12, 2016

I feel privileged to be on this album with all these fine musicians!
Had to do a little driving this evening and got the volume real loud in the car to enjoy these tracks even more!

Keep up the good work!



Review by Mikebeasley on Sep 13, 2016

A Great idea to put all this sharing into an album to be downloaded ! Will be listening to it and sharing it around too !



Review by wjl on Aug 9, 2021

This album is from long before I even joined the 'loops, and this collection of musicians and songs is soooo good - supergroups in all combinations. Big hugs and thanks to all those of you whom I had the pleasure and honour to meet, thanks to all others whom I'm very much looking forward to also seeing them one day if possible. Thanks for another incredible album :)



Review by Fusiondrum on Dec 20, 2017

Hey Olivebee, I just think this album is awesome, so great music, I have to hear it almost every day, you're awesome and marmotte is a fascinating singer. Keep it up, really cool and touching. Best regards, M.

No surprise, just as great as expected.


Review by Wade on Dec 23, 2016

As a big fan of OliVBee and Marmotte I'm totally delighted to have these wonderful tracks all together in an album. This is a download that will be in my ears for a long time.



Review by Mopa on Oct 12, 2016

This album is PERFECT, thanks a lot to share it with us!!!
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