Radio Daze

About this album
rp3drums and Friends jamming on songs ready for the radio!
created by
on Jun 5, 2017
Thumbs: 10
Listened: 953 times
Involved artists
rp3drums and Friends jamming on songs ready for the radio!

Thumbs: 10
Listened: 953 times
Involved artists

Fabulous album
+1Review by ARNOSOLO on Nov 17, 2017
I'm really happy to figure in this great album too.
Thx a lot my friend for the great jams !

Ray, the BOSS!!! ^^
+1Review by Funkystan on Apr 25, 2017
Everything is in the title! Every track is special every track is great!
I'm glad and honoured to play with you Ray!!!
This means that the first round is on me ^^

Great !!
+1Review by glennp on Apr 22, 2017
Wow, this is a great collection of music. Well played and mixed. Very enjoyable...thanks for sharing.

Another Great rp3 Album!
+1Review by Ernie440 on Apr 21, 2017
Nice collection, glad to have participated on a couple :) hehe! Well done man, top notch drumming all the way! Plus some nice songs as well :)

Very cool collection Ray
+1Review by TeeGee on Apr 21, 2017
Had it running back to back at work, a really good radio album indeed. Happy to be on one of the songs, always a pleasure making music with you!

great collection of songs and players
+1Review by GemmyF on Apr 21, 2017
love the variety of talent on wikiloops, and the music is consistently at a high level on this LP. Thanks Ray for putting the beat on music here!
Steady! Smart! and Suave!
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