Boogs and Woogs
Shuffle backing tracks with Guitar:
In and out
Peanut Biscuits
ZZ Boogie
Peach Fuzzz Top
Shifting Into Gear
Swing Your Hips
Blue sky is back (300 J)
Ave Fenix
Sunday ending mood
SoftFused BAC
La caramella (rhytm guitars)
35 Dollar Shuffle
Waffle Shuffle (No Drums)
Fofumdoodely didelydoo delyalltheway
Blues Shuffle Ride (No Drums)
Waffel Shuffle
Boogs and Woogs
Dust to Dust
SRV for Drumshticks
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I supported Wikiloops not for their name, I support it because it was a great idea & is a great way for musicians to jam outside their circles.