Bit of a prog-tastic toughie this one but I like a challenge. Lots of structural fun and games with changes and phrases that I wanted to catch, plus it was a bit of a battle to get things to line up with the click track in my DAW. In the end, the first sections I just did without and sight read the waveform to get my approximate cues.
All a little bit rough at the edges but I had a blast ...
January 24, 2022 at 3:21 PM

Sorry, I need to work on locking my stuff to the grid. Great drumming. You totally captured the feel of what I was going for. :W
January 24, 2022 at 3:50 PM

January 24, 2022 at 7:22 PM

January 25, 2022 at 10:34 AM

Rock backing tracks with Drums, Keys, Guitar, Sequencer and Bass:
La Ruleta
Blowin' Smoke with Old Red Floyd
Thrice struck
Holiday Party!!!
Electric Clouds ⚡
The World Needs Snake Plisskin
Garam Masala sandwich..
Guantes de seda
Hear the synthy trial
feed the flame
Light on the Horizon
Blues Rock Jam
Subliminal Latinos
Change Times
Strange day after all
King of New York -
Bass added
Ask for the bass + Intro & End Solo
🍄Mushroom Magic✨
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Para mi significa, la revelacion de que puedo "hablar" con musicos de todo el mundo en este idioma que todos conocemos LA MUSICA!!!