Hassan-i Sabbāh
Played Drums Chimes/Gong/Finger Cymbals and from Bar 118 to the end overlaid 7/8 beats to add other dimension ....seemed to work ok to me ...with Dans wonderful music, superb eastern percussion and the exceptional guitar as always from Frankie.....
Hopefully it makes some sense to others also....Thanks for listening
May 7, 2022 at 6:01 AM

May 6, 2022 at 6:54 PM

May 6, 2022 at 7:20 PM

May 6, 2022 at 7:28 PM

Honestly, if there was one drummer who could pull this off it's you - you totally know how to do this epic playing and work your way into the groove - sounds immense! If Led Zep took Kashmir another few steps... <3
May 6, 2022 at 9:35 PM

World backing tracks with Drums, Sequencer, Guitar and Percussion:
MaloYangoRagu 🎸🙏 🛕
May's a coming..
The Waiting Game
Haus Der Geschenke..rhythmn guitar
Mundo Latino
Squaw and Tomahawk
best liked World:
Don't go when i'm awake
Turn the Tablas
Am I nature?
Two Worlds w bs
The Long Walk to You
Snow Moon
Atmospheric World
Mind Travel 🧳
…Iron Man…
Keepin’ It Smooooooooove
Alone again
Temple of Shiva༈
Low tides
la ciudad de la revolución - percu
The Tablature 🍫
Little nothings
Macadroni Noodles
Ride the Merry-Go-Round
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