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I try to keep it light
when you're by my side
You seem to lose your eyes
in glasses
I am an open book
you read between my lines
and you tell me what I think
I know what's on my mind
Your eyes are open but you're blind
I say it's day, you say I really mean it's night
and then you open your arms
You open your arms
to forgive me
I guess you'll have to forgive me
'cause I don't really care
as you fade away into
a susurration of the air
This song ain't for you
It's for every bully out there
who wants to tell me
what I think
I know what's on my mind
Your eyes are open but you're blind
I say it's day, you say I really mean it's night
and then you open your arms
You open your arms
You open your arms
to forgive me
Did you ever stop to wonder why
so many people think the way you do
I guess I'm just another kind of guy
I guess you bit off more than you could chew
I see a crazy gleam in your eye
I see the ugly dream that you pursue
I guess I'm just another kind of guy
I guess you bit off more than you could chew
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