Rebels Tramps And Hitmen (w/drums)
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Took the drums from track# 211054 and changed its tempo to 125 bpm to match the original track and cut and paste it to match the guitar track - when I did the guitar track to a click, and with some measures being short, it got kind of wacky sounding without a beat going and my groove wasn't tight because the "one" of the click wasn't in the "one" spots anymore and messed with my mind and fingers....anyway,
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Rock backing tracks with Drums, Guitar and Mixer:
Twice Struck
Heart Of Stone
Road Stars
Her name is Passion Pink
Desert/Ambient Alone in the Road
Fresh funk fun
Weeping Sonnet
Yepa Scrap Yard
In the Deep end...
End Nowhere beginning of End
With you ( All for Love )
Into The Arena Re Mix
Alchemy impulse.
Time To Rock
Come on OZZY!
Sync Hole....
30 Million Beards - Fu Manchus
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......yeah.. What they all said! And ps. it's great! Thanks!