End-of-the year, hear hear
Hey there, friends of wikiloops :)
I hope you have spent happy holidays and are in that special "between the years" mode of relaxation - good time for music making in my books, but maybe also a good moment to sum up what has been happening on wikiloops in 2024 :)
I was tempted to name this post "the stuff you didn't notice", as I believe there is only a small number of people following the wikiloops blog, while most are occupied digging thru the music on this platform.
That's fine with me, in case you are one of those individuals, here is what 2024 was about, plus a bit of opinion by the owner of this club here.
Let me recollect some of the things that happened on wikiloops in 2024:
Probably one of the most active forum threads in 2024 dealt with the need for rules on the use of AI in music production on wikiloops, with a quite wide range of opinions. AI sure is the hot topic of the recent years, and breaking into more and more fields of art, including music generation.
I feel the past months have proven we do not need to be affraid of wikiloops being flooded with AI generated stuff - and the initial rule-set of "If you did not compose that, do not upload it here" do cover the limits of what goes on wikiloops accurately, since 2011.
Good memories! For those who happened to miss it and would love to get to watch some footage, that can be found here.
2024 was election year in the United States (to those from the "I missed it"-camp: wikiloops is based in germany, just sayin') - those election years always cause a bit of alert on my end, as they most often come with a higher demand to remind people of our "no politics on wikiloops" policy. There really was not much intervention needed this time around, so, I'd like to praise you all for keeping the campaigning off of wikiloops. That really shows some respect towards wikiloops community standards, and I appreciate that very much.
The new version was rolled out at the end of November, bringing on some new features like the frequency analysis on the player, and improving the interfaces looks with a new set of icons.
The member search page got a complete facelift, and I am yet waiting for someone who notices the band pages look a little less messy compared to before ;)
What you should not miss: This platform is developed as a collaborative effort, which includes community involvement.
The feedback from the community was once more of great help to smoothen out some initial bugs, and I hope those who took part in the process would confirm that we are in this together - if the community is missing a feature or reporting a bug, we'll take care of it.
I'm not sure how many communities still operate like this, this is not facebook, you know, this is one of those places that really don't exist any longer.
I'll offer the detailed annual stats some time in january - what I can say today is that wikiloops gained well over 12k new members in 2024, and more than 19 thousand new tracks were shared in the past twelve months. That does seem like a lot of music making to me!
The only thing that strikes me is why we did not reach a single soul in Nigeria in 2024 - just look at this map:
On a more serious note, look, it's the world coming together for music, on wikiloops.com.
How cool is that?
Before I'll end, and also to those who are still new to wikiloops:
Please do understand what you have gotten into here :)
This is one small dudes idea gone pretty big with the help of many.
That's why you do not need an ad-blocker on wikiloops,
and why we are not busy pushing product on your newsfeed.
Because we like to keep it focused on the fun and the music - sounds simple, but isn't.
I can't help but end thanking those who support wikiloops.
If there is anything cool about wikiloops,
you supporters are to praise for keeping the house of the loops going.
I sometimes wonder whether it is so apparent to new wikiloops users that being a wikiloops supporter is not equivalent to being a premium-payed customer.
What you "purchase" when supporting wikiloops goes beyond enjoying some extra features, you actually keep this place independent & functional.
Sincere thanks for that, we would not be here without you!
Let me add this ant-eater to the mix, just because I like it,
and to proove once and for good that I am not some AI bot:
May you have a good change-over into the new year &
lots of musical and other creative ideas for the new year!
from flowsdorf, germany with <3
Richard Kaiser
a.k.a Dick
I hope you have spent happy holidays and are in that special "between the years" mode of relaxation - good time for music making in my books, but maybe also a good moment to sum up what has been happening on wikiloops in 2024 :)
I was tempted to name this post "the stuff you didn't notice", as I believe there is only a small number of people following the wikiloops blog, while most are occupied digging thru the music on this platform.
That's fine with me, in case you are one of those individuals, here is what 2024 was about, plus a bit of opinion by the owner of this club here.
Let me recollect some of the things that happened on wikiloops in 2024:
We discussed AI use
Probably one of the most active forum threads in 2024 dealt with the need for rules on the use of AI in music production on wikiloops, with a quite wide range of opinions. AI sure is the hot topic of the recent years, and breaking into more and more fields of art, including music generation.
I feel the past months have proven we do not need to be affraid of wikiloops being flooded with AI generated stuff - and the initial rule-set of "If you did not compose that, do not upload it here" do cover the limits of what goes on wikiloops accurately, since 2011.
We had a great 6th wikiloops meeting in summer 2024
Good memories! For those who happened to miss it and would love to get to watch some footage, that can be found here.
We kept it fair
2024 was election year in the United States (to those from the "I missed it"-camp: wikiloops is based in germany, just sayin') - those election years always cause a bit of alert on my end, as they most often come with a higher demand to remind people of our "no politics on wikiloops" policy. There really was not much intervention needed this time around, so, I'd like to praise you all for keeping the campaigning off of wikiloops. That really shows some respect towards wikiloops community standards, and I appreciate that very much.
We updated to v16 of wikiloops
The new version was rolled out at the end of November, bringing on some new features like the frequency analysis on the player, and improving the interfaces looks with a new set of icons.
The member search page got a complete facelift, and I am yet waiting for someone who notices the band pages look a little less messy compared to before ;)
What you should not miss: This platform is developed as a collaborative effort, which includes community involvement.
The feedback from the community was once more of great help to smoothen out some initial bugs, and I hope those who took part in the process would confirm that we are in this together - if the community is missing a feature or reporting a bug, we'll take care of it.
I'm not sure how many communities still operate like this, this is not facebook, you know, this is one of those places that really don't exist any longer.
We gained a lot of new members & a load of new music
I'll offer the detailed annual stats some time in january - what I can say today is that wikiloops gained well over 12k new members in 2024, and more than 19 thousand new tracks were shared in the past twelve months. That does seem like a lot of music making to me!
The only thing that strikes me is why we did not reach a single soul in Nigeria in 2024 - just look at this map:
On a more serious note, look, it's the world coming together for music, on wikiloops.com.
How cool is that?
We welcome the class of 2024
Before I'll end, and also to those who are still new to wikiloops:
Please do understand what you have gotten into here :)
This is one small dudes idea gone pretty big with the help of many.
That's why you do not need an ad-blocker on wikiloops,
and why we are not busy pushing product on your newsfeed.
Because we like to keep it focused on the fun and the music - sounds simple, but isn't.
We made it happen the independent way
I can't help but end thanking those who support wikiloops.
If there is anything cool about wikiloops,
you supporters are to praise for keeping the house of the loops going.
I sometimes wonder whether it is so apparent to new wikiloops users that being a wikiloops supporter is not equivalent to being a premium-payed customer.
What you "purchase" when supporting wikiloops goes beyond enjoying some extra features, you actually keep this place independent & functional.
Sincere thanks for that, we would not be here without you!
Let me add this ant-eater to the mix, just because I like it,
and to proove once and for good that I am not some AI bot:
May you have a good change-over into the new year &
lots of musical and other creative ideas for the new year!
from flowsdorf, germany with <3
Richard Kaiser
a.k.a Dick
December 29, 2024 at 1:13 AM

An amazingly heartfelt and well said post. Thank you Dick for all you do and thank you to our wonderful community for supporting. <3
Here's hoping we get our first Nigerian member in 2025! :D:D
Seriously great job, love the new update and how transparent you are with us, a true professional with genuine love for what he has created.
Thank you. WikiLoops has changed my life. :):)<3 +7
Here's hoping we get our first Nigerian member in 2025! :D:D
Seriously great job, love the new update and how transparent you are with us, a true professional with genuine love for what he has created.
Thank you. WikiLoops has changed my life. :):)<3 +7
December 29, 2024 at 12:22 AM

The new version looks great. And I enjoyed the meeting verry much it always is great to meet wikiloopers in person. Thanks to all who made that wikiloops is stil live and kicking. As specialy Richard and his Familie. And about the Anteater could you sent him on holiday to my garden because under ever rock 🪨 in my garden and in every flowerpot and in all my trees I have 🐜 wish everyone a wonderfull 2025 :--
December 29, 2024 at 7:09 PM

I like the 'class' angle you mention here. any chance we can get a 'class of xxxx' badge on our profiles? :) maybe an option we can tick on if we choose, then click on to see other Wikiloop members who joined that year :) sorry I always ask for stuff, Dick, keep on rocking the site, and cheers to 2025! :W last question, when will I graduate WikiLoopsUniversity? :D
December 29, 2024 at 1:49 PM

Oh yes the meeting this year was definitely my highlight for this sad year, ( for me) I thank you so much for the community here. Wikiloops is my fun my hope my inspiration and my therapy. Thank you and all the friends who makes music with me here. I wish you and your family all the best for 2025. God bless you. 🙏😍
December 29, 2024 at 4:58 PM

Even though I am not active in the shoutbox or the forums, I would like to thank you Richard. Wikiloops has become an important part of my life The meeting in Floidorf was a highlight for me.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy new year. Good luck, health and peace in the coming year.:) +5
I wish you and your loved ones a happy new year. Good luck, health and peace in the coming year.:) +5
December 29, 2024 at 3:21 AM

Thanks Richard for all you have done and continually do behind the scenes. Any date set for "the jam"?
December 29, 2024 at 6:16 AM

December 29, 2024 at 6:44 AM

Enjoyed the read. Wikiloops is great music community with rich possibilty to be creative and enjoy authentic music. Happy New Year 2025 to all and lets continue. Thanks to Richard for all possibilities given to us. Cheers<3
December 29, 2024 at 9:55 AM

It's a unique place catering for all levels of expertise and experience All ages and backgrounds and every genre imaginable. Listen, watch, read, write and so many chances and reasons to contribute. It's definitely addictive too :) Thanks to Dick (and the community) that small seed of an idea has grown branches and blossomed <3
December 30, 2024 at 7:00 AM

I won't find people in my home town who would play the music that we find here:D keep going Richard, A happy new year to you<3
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
support by:

I´m not a very good guitarist but this site is awesome. Will keep on supporting :-) Greetings from Germany :-)
Chuck Stew