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This is Real by bhunt1

This is Real

This is Real
About this album

More jams with my friends - enjoy :) bhunt1 created by bhunt1 on Jun 5, 2017

Thumbs: 5
Listened: 777 times

Involved artists

cool collection of rappy music with the thumpin bass


Review by GemmyF on Mar 13, 2017

Brian, cool collection of rappy music with the thumpin bass you add

Really cool tracks


Review by ARNOSOLO on Nov 17, 2017

Thx a lot my friend for the great muscic you share. I'm really happy to figure in this album. ;)

shake your body ;o)


Review by Uloisius on Sep 24, 2017

another album from you with cool music full of rhythm, bass and great vocals ;o)
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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician
ladybass from Spain

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