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Collaborate & Jam

Join the collaboration

Audio recording gear

How it works on the technical end

We collaborate by exchanging audio files with each other and passing them back after something has been added.
We do not believe in real time jamming via the internet yet, and finding a time zone that will fit for you, your neighbours and your jamming partner overseas might turn out to be a little difficult, too.

Mixing your recording

What you will need to take part

All it takes is a basic homerecording setup, which allows you to record your instrument while listening to a backingtrack, and to create mp3 mixdowns which merge both tracks in the end.

If you are starting out with homerecording and need some starter tips on which USB audio interfaces are recommendable, what kind of software to use and how to get started mixing your recordings and our backingtracks, check out the wikiloops forum and feel free to ask for help there.

Join the music collaboration

Picking a collaboration to join

Any track you find on the public part of wikiloops is an invitation to create and post a remix,
and our tracks remain in that inviting state even if someone else has posted a remix.
In other words, there is no "done" status, and it is up to you to either choose to be the 125th bassist who likes to have a go at drum-track #816,
or to pick a more recent track which is still lacking any remixes.
Just head over to our track finder tool and exclude the instrument you would like to play yourself, spot a track that you would like to join,
download it and create your remix.


Offer your own tracks and let others join in

You may supply your own tracks as starting points (we call these tracks "templates") for a new collaboration as well.
There really is no kind of guarantee other members will join in, and we strongly recommend you have a look at our collaboration starter tips to increase your chance of getting your template-track remixed before you do.

Private jamsessions

Use our collaboration infrastructure for your private collaborations

We offer private collaboration groups (called "Bands") on wikiloops, in which you have full control about who may access your tracks,
while being able to use the remix ordering system and an integrated private file-sharing storage for collaborations with your group members.
This is a great tool for bands to give anyone the chance to keep up with the repertoire when chances of real rehearsals are rare,
or when working towards an album release.
Read a little more about wikiloops bands.

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