AKchen 5

About this album
Thank you dear friends for your beautiful music & to Dick and all the helpers big thanks for making that possible ... it´s such a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful family :)
created by
on Sep 16, 2017
Thumbs: 17
Listened: 3195 times
Involved artists
Thank you dear friends for your beautiful music & to Dick and all the helpers big thanks for making that possible ... it´s such a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful family :)

Thumbs: 17
Listened: 3195 times
Involved artists

Great collection of songs
+5Review by frenzie on Sep 17, 2017
Your choice of songs is always spot on, and you raise these songs with fresh and pleasing vocals. On top of that your lyrics are clever and you have something substantial to tell :) :) keep m coming Andrea :) :)
Proud to be on this great album! :) :)

The Voice of a Dream
+3Review by ettore on Sep 17, 2017
La voce soave e sognante della Regina dei Sogni (Andrea) si mescola alle atmosfere magiche di questo brano magico e veramente molto particolare, fuori dal comune.
Bellissimo album, brava Andrea!

Lovely diary
+3Review by josepssv on Sep 17, 2017
A great job AKchen!!
I imagine it's a lovely diary of yours.
This is much faster to build than if we had to be hiring musicians to eventually have an album.
It's easy for you, natural and stylish
Thank you for including me here.

Smart and sexy. Good combo!
+2Review by Wade on Sep 20, 2017
Even when Akchen is lurking in the background her voice cuts through with clarity and emotion. There's always an attitude that's like expensive perfume...intoxicating.

oh yeah !!!
+2Review by Uloisius on Sep 19, 2017
Höre mir gerade mit Emelie und Baldur zusammen das komplette Album an ... WIR SIND BEGEISTERT !!!

Always so good
+1Review by Bothen on Sep 22, 2017
Andrea, you have that knack to choose songs that really fit you. I listen to all your music and always find it to be the best of quality. Thank you so much for placing me on this wonderful album.

Smart and sexy. Good combo!
+1Review by Wade on Sep 20, 2017
Even when Akchen is lurking in the background her voice cuts through with clarity and emotion. There's always an attitude that's like expensive perfume...intoxicating.

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