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Over the Hills by ARNOSOLO

Over the Hills

Over the Hills
About this album

A new album with Shi, GemmyF, AKchen, Ulo, MasterX, Badprimer and Blumartini highlighted with their beautiful and delightfully sung melodies. Many thanks to Franber, titi, Ernie, Ray, ArkRockStudio, nadrek, PDMuzak, Demian, Paul, PJE and eGil for these delicious musical moments. ARNOSOLO created by ARNOSOLO on Nov 16, 2017

Thumbs: 9
Listened: 699 times

Involved artists

backbone and internal muscles


Review by GemmyF on Nov 17, 2017

Arno's music is strong and supports further creating. Thanks for the great templates! These pieces could stand alone as guitar pieces. The recordings are clear and sharp and the compositions engaging. Thanks for sharing your talent! Also thanks for a platform where others can add as they feel.....As attested on this album there are MANY really great results!

Say Goodbye to a Friend


Review by PDMuzak on Nov 16, 2017

Great add with the vocals.

What an Album


Review by ArkRockStudio on Nov 16, 2017

Great variety of amazing tunes ARNO and friends.

Arno.....far from Solo


Review by PJE on Nov 16, 2017

What an aray of musicians, Arno inspires with this beautiful and varied collection of tracks....really something for everyone to love and I am honuored to be in such fine company...

Tolles Album !


Review by Uloisius on May 7, 2020

Wie konnte ich dieses Album nur verpassen! Wunderschöne Zusammenstellung von Liedern, vielen Dank lieber Arno das ich dabei sein darf ;o)
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