Blues with Wikiloopers...

About this album
A Blues album with many wikiloopers that I am very happy to have jamed with, there are so many good musicians here in Wikiloop and a big thank you to Dick who made this possible,and all of you who help to keep it going,you are doing a great job. And a big thank you to everyone who is with me here and everyone else I have jamed with.
slin ...
created by
on Nov 21, 2017
Thumbs: 23
Listened: 4899 times
Involved artists
A Blues album with many wikiloopers that I am very happy to have jamed with, there are so many good musicians here in Wikiloop and a big thank you to Dick who made this possible,and all of you who help to keep it going,you are doing a great job. And a big thank you to everyone who is with me here and everyone else I have jamed with.
slin ...

Thumbs: 23
Listened: 4899 times
Involved artists

Bluesmaster nils!
+2Review by frenzie on Nov 21, 2017
Yeah love this album nils really proud to be on this great bluesalbum :) from funky to old skool:)keep on singing the blues my friend!! :)

Generosity and conviction
+2Review by titi on Nov 21, 2017
Honored to find me on the album of convincing Nils
Always in the words of his texts.
The Blues of its directory is colored with the daily life, its unique style in the high notes assert the conviction of its words and make the strength of its approach Blues.

It's great fun
+1Review by Pewi on Apr 10, 2018
Hi Nils, with a delay (sorry for that) I discovered today this great collection of you and your music! It's great fun to make music with you :) thank you for that!

Living and feeling the Blues
+1Review by Wade on Jan 10, 2018
Here's a man who is the real deal. A great collection of tracks. He sings his story of life with conviction.

For those who love blues
+1Review by franber on Jan 10, 2018
In the house of blues, Slin is at home

Fantastic collection
+1Review by TeeGee on Nov 29, 2017
I listened to it, cool selection of blues tracks - love your singing!

A great Bluesman
+1Review by Stef on Nov 26, 2017
A wonderful collection of Blues jams in which your great vocal qualities shine! You always reminded me of Alexis Korner and that magical period of the British Blues. It's a pleasure to be here.

Excellent album
+1Review by Bothen on Nov 22, 2017
You do so many things well on here Nils, that is a given. When you sing the blues though you take it to another level, You have a unique voice for it, soulful, nuanced yet very powerful. Thanks for including me here and I look forward to more wonderful collaboration with you.

Great Blues Album!
+1Review by Ernie440 on Nov 22, 2017
Happy to know Nils and his wonderful unique style of blues singing and compositions. Honored to be part of this collection of cool blues. Looking foward to more in the future!

Thr Great Blues voice that came from the cold
+1Review by jjdf on Nov 21, 2017
Beautiful collection of blues songs you put together in this album, Nils! Thanks for including me here! I am honored for that! 😊🖤😎😊

Nils :The Fab Norwegian Bluesman & Co.
+1Review by GreenDog on Nov 21, 2017
A superb compilation of Blues tracks, I'm very happy to be involved in this great album, it's an honor to be in the same place with all these giants of Blues, and of course, with The Fab Norwegian Bluesman .
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