corona album

About this album
Music from the Corona times (spring 2020) collected for you here at wikiloops. We all know what quarantine, limited contact, risk of infection and mouth-nose protection means, we live with it day after day ... here is the soundtrack to the epidemic. As always, a thousand thanks to all the musicians involved, you are great. And as always, special thanks to Dick for all the effort he has put into this project ;o)
created by
on Apr 30, 2020
Thumbs: 12
Listened: 824 times
Involved artists
Music from the Corona times (spring 2020) collected for you here at wikiloops. We all know what quarantine, limited contact, risk of infection and mouth-nose protection means, we live with it day after day ... here is the soundtrack to the epidemic. As always, a thousand thanks to all the musicians involved, you are great. And as always, special thanks to Dick for all the effort he has put into this project ;o)

Thumbs: 12
Listened: 824 times
Involved artists

An Epidemic Album
+4Review by Ivanovitch on Apr 30, 2020
Some might run and hide from danger. But these fearless musicians laugh in the face of Covid19 and play on...

Nice Collection from the Plandemic
+3Review by Ernie440 on Apr 30, 2020
Always great to listen to your collections Ulo, and even better when I'm included in your selections .. Thanks!! :W

Your joy is my reward ;o)
+2Review by Uloisius on Apr 30, 2020
Thank you friends for the great comments and the thumbs you gave the album ;o)
These are not easy times and the view of the future is very similar to the view I have when I watch a thunderstorm brewing on the horizon. The more beautiful that there are Wikiloops in these times that we all enjoy so much. At this point again the special thanks to Dick who keeps this page alive for us.

Nice compilation
+2Review by Demian on Apr 30, 2020
Glad to be here in this selection. The Corona Album, Great idea. Thanks!!

Immer ein Blick auf das Ganze
+2Review by abuitremorem on Apr 30, 2020
In dieser Zusammenstellung bringst Du die Aktualität auf den Punkt und bringst den Zeitgeist zum Klingen. Vielen Dank Ulo für Deine kritische und aufmerksame WL Begleitung. Freut mich, dass ich in diesem Album vertreten sein kann.

+2Review by TeeGee on Apr 30, 2020
Habe das den ganzen Nachmittag im Loop laufen, toll!!! :W

fantastic Album Ulo and Loopers
+1Review by ivax on May 2, 2020
Thanks for this compilation, friend Ulo, and Thanks to Dick, for keeping the spirit alive during this tragic period.
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