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Nothing else but Rock by Krasimir

Nothing else but Rock

Nothing else but Rock
About this album

Selected Rock backing tracks ,composed with my WIKI friends. The taste of music of course is different but all of us enjoy creating and playing, singing. Thanks for WIKILOOPS that connecting us from all over the World and giving us this great option to enjoy music Krasimir created by Krasimir on May 9, 2022

Thumbs: 7
Listened: 217 times

Involved artists

Only Rock


Review by Ezdrummer on May 9, 2022

Thanks for this great album Krasimir

Rock n Roll


Review by rootshell on May 9, 2022

thanks for including me, another great line-up and album here, great job!

Live Rock


Review by ivax on May 9, 2022

another great Album,thanks Krasimir :W Thanks for share :)
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......yeah.. What they all said! And ps. it's great! Thanks!

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