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Bongo Bongo by Uloisius

Bongo Bongo

Bongo Bongo
About this album

Many thanks to the cool Wikiloopers with whom I had to be able to play together the joy.
I thank you with all my heart, without you I would be nothing ;o)

All Lyrics © uloisius 2014 & 2015 Uloisius created by Uloisius on Dec 20, 2015

Thumbs: 18
Listened: 4237 times

Involved artists

Great album


Review by TeeGee on Dec 21, 2015

Some smashing songs on this album, you are a great singer and a huge presence on Wikiloops. I am honoured and proud that I am playing guitar on two of the tracks on this album!
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so happy about ... thank you wikiloops & all those fantatstic musicians here
AKchen from Germany

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