Raspberry Charm

About this album
Take a little music, add a splash of lyrics, stir in some fun ... and a raspberry of course for a cool little musical cocktail ! Enjoy ;)
created by
on Dec 24, 2015
Thumbs: 28
Listened: 3923 times
Involved artists
Take a little music, add a splash of lyrics, stir in some fun ... and a raspberry of course for a cool little musical cocktail ! Enjoy ;)

Thumbs: 28
Listened: 3923 times
Involved artists

OliVBee - The King Of The Loops
+3Review by mpointon on Dec 29, 2015
Where do you start with Oli's contribution to this site? Give the man a guitar and one minute he shreds, the next he's as gentle as a butterfly.
'Quality' is the word I associate with Oli. Every track he adds has been thought through and executed to perfection. Every track he adds is 'right' to the point you cannot imagine the track was ever without him. The 'Loops resident musical maestro.
I would say this album is him at his best but he's always at his best.
'Quality' is the word I associate with Oli. Every track he adds has been thought through and executed to perfection. Every track he adds is 'right' to the point you cannot imagine the track was ever without him. The 'Loops resident musical maestro.
I would say this album is him at his best but he's always at his best.

Master Class on its way
+3Review by Tofzegrit on Dec 28, 2015
Master of composition, King of the breathe and of the nice chords!
This guy is awesome and all the people involved in his music are the same: Monsters
So, no Master Class anymore, here is the Monsters Class!
This guy is awesome and all the people involved in his music are the same: Monsters
So, no Master Class anymore, here is the Monsters Class!

+2Review by wjl on May 10, 2019
I just wrote a short review of this album on my own page, to promote it and the 'loops a bit. So please read my review on https://wolfgang.lonien.de/2019/05/my-album-of-the-month-may-2019/ - I'm so loving this one :)

Best you can get
+2Review by adu on Apr 20, 2016
Hey Oliv, you play with your own style. I like it very much. And so good singers follow your Tracks! I´m glad, i know you and i bet, when i´m good enough, i will be back, to play with you. :)

Great first album!
+2Review by Marceys on Dec 25, 2015
What else can I say than that you create such cool quality tracks here on the Loops!
It is a joy to listen to your tracks and play with them!
Hope to do some more in 2016!
Best wishes!
It is a joy to listen to your tracks and play with them!
Hope to do some more in 2016!
Best wishes!

Just heard this one again...
+1Review by wjl on Mar 8, 2022
... and it is still - and will always be - one of my favourite albums of all times, inside Wikiloops and out. The compositions, the bassists, Oliv's mixes, and then Shi's lyrics and vocals - just wow.
This one's special, and I love love love it :)

Excellent Album
+1Review by aleonz on Dec 30, 2015
I really enjoy listening this album , great musicians in this one, and very well production! tasty to the max
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