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RTK Brain Matter by rtkradle

RTK Brain Matter

RTK Brain Matter
About this album

The Second Coming. Your partaking indulges thy Brain to spew Matter and Matter shall be Spewed! Climb in and chew on this chunk of Brain Matter and you too shall feel the healing properties locked within thy own head. Featuring bonus track,"Thumbs up to Johnny" Live at the RTK Arena. rtkradle created by rtkradle on Nov 24, 2016

Thumbs: 6
Listened: 976 times

Involved artists

great album


Review by frenzie on Nov 24, 2016

Gotta love this versital album I am happyto be part of it! :) :)

brain activity super RTK


Review by ivax on Nov 24, 2016

Fantastic RTK,Thanks my friend.. Awesome Album an honor

The Brain


Review by will_C on Nov 24, 2016

The brain is ugly, the brain is gray but inside the brain is a spiritual flame... ;) Great Album, RT!
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