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Some features are disabled in mute-mode to make sure you will not accidentally save, download or comment on a different jamtrack from the one you are currently hearing. You may either lift the mute-mode to download or interact with the currently displayed remix, or move to the currently playing track with the green GOTO button.
Keep in mind all the marvels of this moment Somehow We are receiving the gift of grace right here right now If you’re heart still has a beat You are capable of amazing feats It’s up to you my dear friend, remember I love you
Keep in mind oh how precious is the dream in your heart and the passion that sets to action our magic feel the breath within your lungs and know that we are one forevermore my dear friend I love you
Start and stop, right? That's easy... if you do not have to drop your instrument while doing it.
Get to know the keyboard shortcuts and control the player without ever dropping your plectrum again.
Makes practice and jamming a cinch.
Audio player controls and keyboard shortcuts
Unplugged backing tracks with Bass, Guitar, Keys & Vocals: