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Wikiloops summertime news 2018

wikiloops summertime news 2018

Summerly greetings, friends of wikiloops!
Today we will cross the finish line of the 2018 wikiloops video collaboration project, so let me start by thanking the 32 participants who have followed the invitation to take part in this series.
The created five videos reveal a little more about wikiloops.com and the people behind the music we are usually only listening to on wikiloops.
And while these 32 participants are really just the tip of the iceberg of the now over 2.500 individuals who have contributed music to wikiloops,
I'm really happy the 2018 series brought together people from 11 countries, including Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, the United States and several European countries, still including England.
Our tiny little video series gives sweet proof global collaboration is something fun, and may create beautiful results that no-one of the participants could possibly have achieved by themselves.

The five created videos will stay around and serve us as good memories one day,
they show the fantastic level of musicianship present in living rooms around the world and feature musicians aged between 15 and 60+ from all over the globe, giving us a beautiful example of what collaboration can be like, and of what wikiloops is all about.

Again, many thanks to the contributors and especially to moonchild who helped so much getting the project started.
For those who'd like to have another look at the videos or catch up with some track you might have missed, here is the link to the wikiloops youtube channel once more:

[b]Now, quickly, what else is new on wikiloops?[/b]
As some of you may have noticed, some flags have gone missing from the language-offerings on wikiloops.com a few weeks ago, and for the sake of this being the projects log, I'll have to mention that the Spanish, Portuguese and Russian language interfaces of wikiloops had to be taken offline lately, after my attempts to have the translations updated to version 10 (which was released a year ago on august 1st 2017) had failed.
In the face of the additional maintenance caused by the need to operate several versions of wikiloops depending on translation status,
and looking at the added workload of making sure even the outdated versions are compliant to recent changes to data privacy law obligations,
there was no other option at hand but taking these domains down for now.
Since nobody seems to have missed them (at least, no one asked), I'm hoping our friends who speak those languages are happy to use the English wikiloops interface for the time being.
May music as our common language build a bridge here!

The 5th wikiloops meeting 2018 is coming up in exactly one month from today, so I'll be keeping busy preparing that and making sure we will once more have a great time at the jam in Steinfeld!

Let me end by wishing you all a great summer season on the northern half, and a cozy wintertime on the southern half of the planet - and last but not least a great creative time on wikiloops.com.

All the best

wikiloops statistics of the day:
Tracks online: 112,907
Members registered: 52,909
Active uploaders: 2,521 individuals from 184 countries
Supporting members: 235
"May music as our common language build a bridge here!"

Can't say it better! Amen to that :W
Hey Richard, hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht daran mit zu wirken. ;) Und noch einen Monat dann ist schon wieder ein Jahr um. Erschreckend ;)
Vielen Dank für deine großartige Arbeit! Bis bald :)
Thanks Richard, and greetings to the Eifel - the place where I was born! I'm very much looking forward to meeting y'all there... :D +0
Looking forward to Steinfeld 2018 :D
Hope some good souls will tackle the translation of the missing domains !
the videos are great enjoyed them all. I hope to sometime be able to attend meeting unfortunately not in this years budget +0
music at the loops unites us all and how very special it is :) +0
[youtube]lkvGj77tsVA[/youtube] +0
Here is a dark video of a song with to members from wiki its for your locos out there on wiki hope you like +0
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I was saved in wikiloops. When I was going to quit the music I met here.
Keiton from Costa Rica

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