Blues channel
What kind of music is played on wikiloops web radio?
All music streamed via wikiloops radio has been recorded and produced by our community members.
These songs are original compositions which have been collaborated on via wikiloops.
As you can easily tell when looking at the world map on the wikiloops radio,
the participating musicians who have played together in the currently playing song are located all over this globe.
This kind of global collaboration is the core of wikiloops spirit.
To see people from all over the world interact creatively is something we value very much.
Global collaboration sounds awesome, doesn't it?
The music selection of this stream covers the various musical genres of wikiloops and offers a mix of vocal and instrumental tracks.
If you would like to switch to a more genre-specific stream,
you may do so with the channel selector.
We are offering this radio stream without any audio commercials to give you the uncommon experience of non-stop good music.
Please support if you enjoy listening to our radio streams - be it by spreading the word about our project, or by
donating a little something.

I's lot of fun listening to music here and even much more fun adding own music to the wonderful tracks from the community. Therefore I'm supporter!