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When the Music is Balsam for Soul. by Krasimir

When the Music is Balsam for Soul.

When the Music is Balsam for  Soul.
About this album

Selection of jam tracks with touching lyrical sound. Thanks to all Wikiloops friends involved and also these which spend time to listen this album. Krasimir created by Krasimir on Feb 7, 2023

Thumbs: 8
Listened: 219 times

Involved artists

For the soul


Review by ERWAN on Feb 8, 2023

peaceful from the first track to the end of the album and a very good sound balance between the tracks.Everything is said in the title of this collection.

Nice selection


Review by Jypeka on Feb 8, 2023

Nice selection, thanks for including violin

A very soulful and satisfying collection.


Review by Wade on Feb 7, 2023

A good range of tunes that have in common their speaking to the listener's soul.

Yes this is for the soul


Review by Baerenkind on Feb 7, 2023

Great collection, happy to be a part of it.

Another great album.


Review by davidaustin on Feb 7, 2023

Wonderful music with awesome musicians, thank you for including me Krasimir.

Good work!


Review by Ezdrummer on Feb 7, 2023

Very well done and thanks for including me, Krasimir111

Very soothing


Review by Grathy on Feb 9, 2023

I am always looking for albums to download so I can sleep more easily… This is one of them. Thank you for including me on this fine collection of songs… Very well done!

Krasimir ,between soul and feelings


Review by ivax on Feb 9, 2023

Fantastic collection of music and musicians, great job on your part, thanks for sharing :)

Another great album!


Review by rootshell on Feb 9, 2023

a fine collection here my friend. congrats!!

Thank you


Review by Krasimir on Feb 9, 2023

Thank you to all reviewers and all which spend precious time to listen this album. I am inspired to get more like this selections.Cheers.
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