Bs. As.-
February 12, 2023Folk jam feat. FedePelleg on Guitar Track # 263062Only Guitarby FedePelleg & FedePelleg
February 12, 2023Folk jam feat. FedePelleg on Guitar Track # 263059Nena (Cover: Los Tipitos)
June 17, 2022Country jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 246507SUEÑOS/DREAMS
June 12, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 246137Knock Out
June 5, 2022Funk jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 245689Avisenme! Let me know!
May 27, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 245023El ladrido
May 27, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 245022Encuentro
May 24, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Vocals Track # 244841Immunized
May 17, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Guitar & Drums Track # 244326No es el mismo río / melodía
May 17, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Guitar & Drums Track # 244325No es el mismo río
May 17, 2022Rock jam feat. FedePelleg on Guitar & Drums Track # 244324Inmunizado II con melodía
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