


  1. January 4, 2016
    Funk jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 60554
    Car Chase
  2. November 2, 2015
    Jazz-Rock jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 54125
    Groove from Urft
  3. October 25, 2015
    Blues jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 53429
    A Lonely Heart (5tet)
  4. October 22, 2015
    Funk jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 53255
    K-City Funkman
  5. October 1, 2015
    Blues jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 51250
    Let's Dance Little Darlin..
  6. September 29, 2015
    Rock jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 51071
    Bass It Max It
  7. September 25, 2015
    Rock jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 50742
    trash can alley
  8. September 18, 2015
    Jazz jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 50114
    Full Moon
  9. August 28, 2015
    Jazz-Rock jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 48328
    chain of Bebop
  10. August 26, 2015
    Electronic jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 48196
    Last Tango
  11. August 20, 2015
    Pop jam feat. Jens-H on Guitar Track # 47803
    Nothing Left To Say+ Solo at 2:10
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