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flag Barcelona

  1. October 9, 2016
    Blues jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 86050
    8 bar de tapas blues
    by Paco & Simonymous
  2. October 4, 2016
    Pop jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 85580
    Los martes al sol
  3. September 17, 2016
    Reggae jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 83997
    Do you feel it
  4. September 4, 2016
    Reggae jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 82712
    Counterfeit reggae
  5. September 4, 2016
    Funk jam feat. Paco on Bass Track # 82711
    Counterfeit reggae
    by Paco & Dafunkydrummer
  6. September 2, 2016
    Funk jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 82387
    ~ Groove Me Baby ~ (wah solo added)
  7. August 28, 2016
    Funk jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 81989
    Funkeando en el ascensor
  8. August 28, 2016
    Funk jam feat. Paco on Bass Track # 81962
    Funk jam-ón session
    by Paco & mpointon
  9. August 27, 2016
    Blues jam feat. Paco on Guitar Track # 81890
    Blue tooth
  10. August 25, 2016
    Folk jam feat. Paco on Percussion Track # 81748
    by Paco & Paco
  11. August 14, 2016
    Folk jam feat. Paco on Acoustic Guitar Track # 80817
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