Song Template

Remix step I
Acoustic Guitar:
hartmut 2406 jams
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+ 5
Mar 23, 2018
I am doing some exercices for a playing pattern which I received from Uli. The Pattern goes as such: Intro: 1x GDAD (Refrain) First part: 4x DAGD (Verse), 1x GDGD, 2x GDAD, Second part: 2x DAGD, 1x GDAD, 2x DAGD, 3x GDAD. The intended/planned song is twice as long so I will have to add repetition or adjust tempo, we'll see... Thanks to Uli for the nice song structure / harmony and Lenny for the cool drums/beat. The guitar in ...
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Saitensatz für E-Gitarre
5,90 €
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Great job, Hartmut :) <3 +1
Lenny Cowler
Wow!!!Fantastic and very pleasant, thanks a lot:) +1
Toll Hartmut - ich sehe, Du arbeitest auch auf Bestellung :D:D:D:D +1

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