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nuno1959 553 jams

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+ 5
Jan 10, 2014
sorry about drum track - it IS a drum machine ( i dont play drums :-b ) & i would LOVE if someone would make a live drum & percussion track for this !! also disregard the BPM count, its only approximate - when i first started using GarageBand i would just click OK, OK, OK on everything that came up when setting it up :-B what an ass !!….LOL….. still, hope you enjoy it !!
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francisco al
eu gostei. a ideia é valida. vadia é a ideia de cada um. é bom que aprendamos para agradar profissionalmente.eu sou amador. sorria todos. +1
amazing! world music here, inventive and bouncy bass work. love it. +1
September 9, 2014 at 6:04 PM
nuno1959 Thanks Mulambo, very happy you liked it
This one is as ''out of character'' as they come for me & was A LOT of fun to do
nice moves and changes ... watch your gain i think its a tad too high ;)
and it would have been nice to have a separate track for the bass track as a template (hint)
January 10, 2014 at 10:07 PM
nuno1959 re-the gain :

you're right, i have had some trouble sorting this & this is a somewhat older recording

as for a separate track, you mean uploading 1st the bass track & THEN the mix ? i can do that since i have everything on individual tracks

i tried earlier ( still getting to grips w/ Wiki.. ) to upload each instrument track individually but couldn't ! :-b
January 10, 2014 at 10:10 PM
OliVBee yes upload first your naked bass then post a remix with bass+drums and so on +0
January 10, 2014 at 10:18 PM
nuno1959 will do tomorrow - have to figure out how to add some sort of click track to the bass track in GarageBand otherwise there would be a LOOONG silence…

thanks for the tip !
January 10, 2014 at 10:26 PM
OliVBee a clic at the start of your tracks is ALWAYS a good thing when you do online collabs ... you probably noticed that on my uploads : it's great to indicate tempo and can be used as a sync when exchanging tracks +0
January 10, 2014 at 10:29 PM
nuno1959 i still have a LOT to learn about basic yet proper recording ! :-b
so far i've used GB as a….notepad ? know what i mean ?
a way of NOT forgetting ideas rather than properly recording them…
but i WILL look into all of it & learn how to do it, even if after i have to re-upload all my ''thingies''

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