Not so simple. Raw no effcs

frenzie 1740 jams
Remix step I
United States
solozolo 2563 jams
no additional instruments available so far
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+ 2
Jan 9, 2019
I love this raw guitar sound
the t.bone Ovid System CC 100
the t.bone Ovid System CC 100
Condenser Clip Microphone for Ovid System
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Billy gibbons style!!! Do you have HD? i can use it to do another remix :):) +1
January 9, 2019 at 6:19 PM
solozolo What voc track? +1
January 9, 2019 at 6:32 PM
solozolo if it was the voc u were referring too i put them up +0
January 9, 2019 at 9:25 PM
frenzie Yeah the vocal track only vocals, if possible with a little music in beginning 4 bars then only vocals +0
Now if love
Love is so damn simple
Then tell me why
You have to play like you do to win her love
Too win her love you have to do
Many things from up above Oh Yeah
So if love is so simple
Tell me why you have to play play the game so long
If I was a carpenter
I could build that building in thirty days
But now that I am a lover
I ve got to play this silly game oh so long
So if love gets a hold of you
You better be prepared
Prepared to play that silly game of love
To win her love
You got to play from high above
And if you play low
I guarantee she let you go
So if love got a hold on you
I suggest you learn how
Oh lord how to play play play that love love game
Because if I was a carpenter
I could build that thing in thirty days
But now that I am a lover
It seems I could play the game forever and ever …Too win her love
Don’t let her eyes…
Reached into your soul..
You got to learn to stand
Stand for you
Cause if love is a game
I win or lose its all the same to me
Oh yeah love got a hold on you

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