I'm Just a Joker

Keys & Sequencer:
davidaustin 2339 jams
Remix step I
United States
Sequencer, Saxophone & Vocals:
Fishinmissio 3383 jams
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+ 3
Dec 8, 2019
Nothin like a system crash..lol. Anyway's this is pretty close to how I remember the first time I did it..lol. Thanks to 2Nick8( From Looperman) for the vocals and David for keepin me off the streets. :) Sax just in the middle.
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You got the creative juices flowing here my friend:D:D:D
Coolio mix Mark thanks for joining in the fun:D:D
December 8, 2019 at 10:28 PM
Fishinmissio A little less than perfect...User error (I think) caused the first one to go away. LOL.. Story O my life +1
December 9, 2019 at 6:59 AM
davidaustin I am always amazed that anyone wants to add to the tracks I put on here, it is always a good feeling when it happens. Just have fun Mark its what we are here for:D<3 +0
cool some Brian Eno flying in the air with the Vocal love it ! +1
December 9, 2019 at 7:01 AM
davidaustin Thank you ERWAN:D:D +0

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