New stuff on drums with some bass
July 25, 2014 at 3:51 AM

July 25, 2014 at 5:17 AM

July 26, 2014 at 4:45 AM

Jazz backing tracks with Drums and Bass:
drums 4 jam 7165... so fun to do!
the sort of thing that comes to mind
Modern jazz drum n some ad hoc bass
So Impulsive
Another Smoothie Rain of Harmonics
swing blues jazz jamtrack 110
Cleaning Hard Disk (w MM bass)
The FireFly 🐛
Kriterium Jam
It swings!
Wassap Blues
Bassic Red
The Wake Up (Fretless Bass)
Walk. Go. RUN!
Swing Yer thang
The Verdict BassBlues
RedDrum and BlueBass
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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician