La Siesta

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Remix step III
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PaulM44 420 jams
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+ 6
Feb 16, 2023
Recommended for the afternoon nap. My add does away with expensive sleeping pills I hope.
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Odd and contrasting melodic lines. Does it work? I'm not entirely sure, but I did enjoy listening. +1
February 17, 2023 at 12:28 AM
PaulM44 Probably the difference between me and you and Alex (Blazer), is that you two perhaps instinctively know what the best melodic lines are from having an extra 10,000 hours (or much more) playing. I just try playing along by ear and guessing where it is going next but you have the advantage of more improvisational experience. Yes, I would love to hear your take on this for a lesson so I can hear the difference. B) +1
February 17, 2023 at 8:01 AM
Wade Very kind of you and especially to consider me similar to Alex as he's a full time professional. I have no idea how Alex plays/records, but many of his tracks he's playing multiple parts, which means he's not just dashing this off. It's considered and composed. I'm definitely just an amateur jammer. Generally I give myself three tires at a template and may edit and use parts of each. If unable to make something OK, then I go on to the next template (there are plenty!)

It's rare (but happens) that a single take works out. The question for ourselves is whether we are satisfied with what we've recorded enough to post it. That's a very individual thing. If the goal is to just do a single take and post no matter what, then it could mean regrets later...once again, a very individual thing. Overworking can also be a problem where it's all musically "correct" but lifeless because its been flogged to death with so many unsatisfactory takes. For me the limit is generally three takes, but I'm picky and won't post something that I'm not satisfied with. hopefully this all makes sense and you can define for yourself whether you're selling yourself short by not giving a track enough time/energy, or doing exactly what you have intended. Not posting and putting a track aside is also a good option. When editing, I'm often disappointed, so don't finish the edit and leave the track to be recorded over again another time. Probably a 1/4 of the tracks I'm uploading I've put aside and re-recorded. It gives time for the music to sink in and by giving some time/space allows for a fresh approach.
February 17, 2023 at 6:41 PM
PaulM44 I really appreciate your response. I generally follow along a similar trial and error schedule with often days of editing. Yes, this was one of those problem pieces that I wanted to blow on audio since it has no listed key. I find that when playing along often I should go down an octave instead of up and your prior recommendation about keeping it in 1.5 - 2 octave range is helpful. What I find more difficult on the fly is distinguishing notes that might well be rather a half-step from what I think I am hearing, which may explain your justified distrust. I now believe there to be several which magically appear only after uploading. However, it may help to explain why it sounds more “sleepy” as the brain gets tired trying to make it work…. ;) +1
February 17, 2023 at 11:48 PM
Wade Ha! I hear you about getting sleepy...or the more current phrase is "brain fog". I'm just plain old as my excuse. Ha! +1
February 18, 2023 at 2:01 AM
PaulM44 Yes, I'm on here partially because I haven't given up the idea of being 19 yet simultaneous with representing the entry of the Baby Boomers. So I can't be too far behind. :W +1
You brought it with a very gentle touch! Great to hear the expressions on your instrument! +1
February 19, 2023 at 1:23 AM
PaulM44 Thanks, I needed the practice on a real instrument and loved the free spirit of it. Thanks for your professional keys! +1

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