Calls of the Deep

Itamar 1 jams
Remix step I
United States
bigmike74 35 jams
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+ 7
Jan 9, 2015
Airy, pensive
Tagged as / Sounds like:
Open Guitar free flowing, guitars
Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30
Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30
Cabinet for Electric Guitar
169 €
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I don't have very good recording equip. Gets that static. Sorry. Am working on it. Thanks
Big Mike
I like this track a lot, but there is an irritating buzz in it. Can it be fixed? +0
certainly adds up a unique sound that reminds me dolphins. nice one +0
January 11, 2015 at 1:47 PM
bigmike74 loved what you did. You have a real natural feel. An artists heart. I am self taught also. Takes so long to learn to play. Keep what you'rd doin kid. Loved it. It made me feel the Dolphin thing, kinda peaceful. My wife loved it. She really liked your track. She has good taste. :) +1
January 12, 2015 at 10:37 AM
Itamar wow im really glad to hear that support man
thank you and your wife very much =)
usually what i play is more of a metal style and that will b my next rec i believe but from time to time i love the peacefull parts of the world of music. thanks again for giving deeper color to my track and for all of the compliments =)
January 13, 2015 at 4:33 PM
bigmike74 kewl :O) +0

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