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Guns of Brixton - alt bass

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SexoPhoniX 40 jams
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Aug 20, 2015
I made this line on the drum track from the album "London Calling" from the Clash (for sure). If someone is interrested by this alternative version, he or she's welcome =)
Tagged as / Sounds like:
Guns of Brixton, bass, reggae
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I always love to enjoy the naked bass line, this is so cool SP, very nice tone too :) +1
August 20, 2015 at 7:40 PM
SexoPhoniX thx sug'heart but I miss the drums doing "ti ti tou ti ti tou ti ti tou dou di" =) +1
It's cool, also for sure! :) +1
August 20, 2015 at 8:20 PM
SexoPhoniX thx dude, I'm training my voice on it but... no way =) +1

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