Hakuna Matata feat Makalta & Marceys

Bass & Drums:
aleonz 477 jams
Remix step I
Drums, Keys & Guitar:
Mike_66 449 jams
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+ 5
Mar 26, 2016
I had real trouble to find the right spot to put this track up. I guess we need the feature to combine to forked tracks to a new one. Music in my theory is more about combining things then to splitt them.

I took #68310 Makaltas Guitar play, combined it with #68314 Marceys keyboard and put some drums over it and had a lovely funk session. Remastered the song and put some end on it. Yeah I know it's not perfect ...
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you've got a cool idea to mix all of the mix into one, it works in some part, but a bit crash in some part, but understandable for me since Makalta and Marc use only the bass for playing their add, but it's cool Mike! thank you once again +1
March 26, 2016 at 2:16 PM
Mike_66 Thank you for your feedback. This helps much more then the usual well done feedback. +0
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