I Keep Her Heart

Remix step I
United States
schwaglr 49 jams

available remixes:

+ 18
Dec 31, 2016
To my awesome colleague, Marcelo. I hope that you enjoy this drum beat. I have loved working with you this past year, and I look forward to all of our future projects in 2017! I'm learning a lot about recording drums through trial and error. This track represents my current understanding of mic placement, compressors/limiters, and gates. Hoping to learn even more this year! Drums-only track is the HD download.
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Lenny Cowler
great:) +1
francisco al
excelente, schwaglr. bom trabalho +1
great track sounds fantastic +0
January 5, 2017 at 12:51 AM
schwaglr Thanks so much! :) +0
Good drums:) listened through an iPad and sounds balanced, nice one:) +0
January 5, 2017 at 12:51 AM
schwaglr Thanks so much for listening with a critical ear for me. Much appreciated! :) +1
Perfect beat drums and sound record, self-taught like me with the bass he he he :)
And HNY from Spain
January 5, 2017 at 12:52 AM
schwaglr Thank you! And thanks for listening to the mix with a critical ear. Much appreciated :) +1
Marcelo D
This is a wonderful drum work Schwaglr.
You have shown that you are great not only playing the keys. Do you know that I am a terrible drum player myself?
There is something about your drum playing that I like very much. Its very musical. The snare is awesome and also is the mixing and the playing. Lovely remix. Loved it my friend. Thank you so much for joining me in this track. I am glad you touched it. Happy new year buddy :)
January 5, 2017 at 12:50 AM
schwaglr Thank you! Looking forward to the next one :) +0
Major 3rd
perfection! love it....dwnld....for future possibly....beautiful keys and the beat as I said is perfect!!! cheers +0
Great drummin on a beautiful piano piece. Awesome, Schwaglr! +0
January 5, 2017 at 12:50 AM
schwaglr Thanks very much, my friend. Appreciate it :) +1
ooopss I thought I already post my comment, my connection a bit crazy at the new year, Schwaglr! this is great, the drums fit so fine with the piano! great play! +0
January 5, 2017 at 12:50 AM
schwaglr Thank you, Alice! :) +0
Very sensitive playing here Schwaglr! Love it to bits! +0
January 5, 2017 at 12:50 AM
schwaglr Thanks so much, Kenny! Glad to have you as a listener today :) +0

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