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Counting listeners

Counting listeners

posted on #1
Posts: 282
Joined: Aug 19, 2013
There is a counter called "listend" in every track-ID. It increases automatically if someone looks to the information of the track. You don't need to press the playbuttom. In effect the counting of a listener increases even if no sounds reach any ears.
My best rated uploads have approximately 1000 counts. Would be nice if this were the same value as playing in a blues-club with 1000 people inside! What I do not understand: in almost every upload the increment is a function of time, almost exactly +1 per day. (No, it's not me looking at the counters daily :) ).
I do not want to check every song or the overseen ones. But it would be nice in an informative sense how many real "human people" listen to some tracks.
Why do I want to know this? I cannot understand the ratio of "new" listeners and "new" remixes, e.g. added vocals to guitar template-compositions.

I don't want to harm anything or anyone with this question. Thanks for helping.
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Uloisius from Europe

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