Some Positivity

posted on #1
mpointon Supporter
Posts: 520
Joined: Feb 27, 2015
There's been some unhappy noises in the 'loops world recently so I thought I'd just add some genuinely happy thoughts. In my opinion, of course, but true.

1) Jamming with so many amazing players. End of. I love this place. I just wish I could add as much as I used to. It *will* change once the UK's NHS gets their stuff in order!
2) People messaging me asking about my current playing health and they hope I'll be playing more often soon. Thank you. I love you all and cannot express my gratitude for your concern.
3) Following on from 2), Kimbo. The dude deserves a special mention as he has sent me a sports brace - at his expense - for my left arm to help me with my shoulder/arm problems. All he asked for in return was a jam in Steinfeld. That's ignoring his offer to come to Cornwall and drink all his home-made gin! What a dude. He will be so drunk in Steinfeld he won't know it! ;)

*This* is Wikiloops. People who just love the music in every shape and form and, most importantly, care. Thank you.

This place rocks. I'm going nowhere.
posted on #2
rp3drums Supporter
Posts: 115
Joined: Mar 24, 2014
Nice post Martin, and I agree the Loops rules. And nice shout out to Kimbo.

The past few days I have heard about "Unhappy Loopers,". Am i missing something? What happened. Sorry for being in the dark on this issue, but it keeps coming up.


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posted on #3
Posts: 213
Joined: Mar 7, 2014
Hear, hear, Martin!
posted on #4
TeeGee Supporter
Posts: 1820
Joined: Sep 27, 2014
Yes, I read that some are unhappy, and I think I know what it is about - just guessing though.

In any case, when you have 40.000 or so users, there will always be a few who do not like this or that, a few who moan about things, a few who are plain weird and so on.

Nothing on earth is perfect, so maybe there are a few things that could be this or that, but overall I don't believe you'll find a better online community interacting with each other across continetns and time zones as you find here. I mean, it is one thing being part of a website where people just post things and pictures about dogs, cars, whatever. But here we are making music, that is on a different level of interaction altogether.

It is natural that not everybody is a smiling happy chap, and that is before they even come here. But the majority of people I interact with here LOVE the Loops, and that includes me :)
posted on #5
Posts: 990
Joined: Oct 16, 2011
I would have to say I haven't had much time to spend on the wiki lately and don't really know where the bad stuff is coming from but it is sad to try to ruin a great site. But as they say it takes one bad apple to spoil the basket. Anyway I support the wiki it is the greatest site on the web for musicians good and not so good. Everyone should be supportive of all Dick's efforts to keep the site alive and allowing us a place to meet musicians from around the world. I had the chance to meet Ake from Sweden when he visited the USA it was great and we have become great friends. Along with that I have talked over and over with others and feel they are family just like all the other members on the wiki. So whatever bad things you hear you will hear double good things from me and others who really care about keeping wikiloops alive. Just my thoughts on this post thanks to the others who have posted comments here.Jam on Wikiloops.
posted on #6
adu Supporter
Posts: 258
Joined: Feb 1, 2014
You all know my english isn´t very good but i can read and understand a lot. I agree with Rickplayer and his statement.
There is little work well and you have to bring here a little so that you can feel comfortable here and people found to be a match. Is just a community. As in real life. Always appreciate a little the work of other and you get so much good back. Next up are very fine examples. I met some at the wikimeetings and also on its own initiative. It is all built on mutual interests. Friends, you do not let take the fun here. Many will come and many go back. Out of whichever reasons. I hope I could write it for granted. :)
posted on #7
Dick Supporter
Posts: 2876
Joined: Dec 30, 2010
I'd like to thank martin for starting this thread and the sensible thinking offered here.
I feel you guys already covered the most relevant aspects regarding "how to deal with people who feel the loops is not for them", and there seems to be some truth to the "rotten apple" example, too.

All I'd like to add (and you know I could write a book on this) are the following thoughts:
1st, and to all wondering what we are talking about here, I'd like to add that I mentioned some of the unprettier things in my recent developers blog post, so you might want to check that out if you are curious what all this here might be about.

2nd, I'd like to follow Martins initial inspiration and share some happy news with you.
As most of you will know, I had the unpleasant task of removing some content from wikiloops, which included communication with a lot of members.
What you do not know is how that experience went about, so let me share some bits.
First of all, I do not feel good having to tell people some of their precious tracks need to be deleted from WL because some other users didn't care to play by the rules, so playing the role of the one who has to deliver the bad news wasn't all sugar and candy to me.
What did make the job bearable and convinced me that there are a lot more people on wikiloops than the few who like to share their unhappiness, were the unbelievable amount of responses reassuring me that I was doing the right thing, thanking me for keeping wikiloops the way we like it and giving encouragement.
I would not have expected that, and -my apologies if I wasn't able to answer all of these messages- each one of them was great to receive.
There are so many unbelieveably good people on the 'loops who rather stay in the background, one should not really measure the "mood of the loops" by a few "unhappy" people who step out and share their unhappiness.

looking foreward to meeting a small part of this fantastic community in Steinfeld in a few days :)
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