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Lyrics that need music

Lyrics that need music

posted on #1
Tu Supporter
Posts: 113
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
Ok folks, after my last thread re: lyrics, I've decided to post some lyrics here just as an experiment. Please feel free to use them anyway you like. You can sing them yourself or if when the music is created I can sing them. Lets see what happens!

first song


You fell into my life unexpectedly…. with your eyes full of smiles
And I could not believe the universe
could be so generous to me

And you spoke with a charm so hard to find ….yeah you blew my mind
with the things you said
Oh how you enchanted me magically ..magically

Where are you now Where are you now
Where are you now
I miss you ...I’m missing you….
I’m missing you

Now I feel like I’m waking from a dream ...details of the memory are gone
And I thought that you were real
but your no longer here ...you have flown

Where are you now Where are you now
Where are you now
I miss you ...I’m missing you….
I’m missing you

For a brief moment in time…. I thought that you could be all mine
But how can you catch a leprechaun
no it cant be done ..it cant be done

Where are you now Where are you now
Where are you now
I miss you ...I’m missing you….
I’m missing you
posted on #2
Tu Supporter
Posts: 113
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
here is another one

Scarlett O’Hara

Verse 1)
I used to believe in love...
but that was many years ago
You could say I was cynical…
but I’m only being logical
I used to think life was like the movies
There always would a happy ending
Now I no longer believe it
And I’ve given up pretending
I’ve never had a Romeo…. I’ll never be a Juliette
I’ll never be Scarlett O’Hara ... I’ll never find my own Rhett
Where’s my knight in shining armour? Where’s my handsome prince?
He’s up there on the silver screen...He doesn't really exist

Verse 2)
I used to believe I was in love
but we were too emotionally raw
Loneliness was the only thing
we had in common
I used to think life was like a fairy tale
There would always be romance and magic..
Now that I have grown up..
it just seems pointless and tragic
I’ve never had a Romeo I’ll never be a Juliette
I’ll never be Scarlett O’Hara I’ll never find my own Rhett
Where’s my knight in shining armour?
Where’s my handsome prince?
He’s up there on the silver screen
He doesn't really exist
I’ve been infatuated….Only left me frustrated
All my life I’ve waited…..Passion I’ve anticipated
Now I’ve concluded..love is over rated
love is over rated..love is over rated
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posted on #3
Tu Supporter
Posts: 113
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
here is another...have fun with this silly song!

Ear Worm

This is an earworm... it’ll drive you insane
You can sing it or hum it...It’ll get in your brain

This is an earworm... you can’t resist
You’ll be tapping your feet and whistling it

This is an earworm... you can’t ignore
You’ve heard it a hundred times
But they’ll play it some more

This is an earworm...there’s no escape
The play it on the telephone when they make you wait

This is an earworm
It will kill you ...you cry!
They’ll play it at your funeral when you die!

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
posted on #4
Tu Supporter
Posts: 113
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this one is suited to a folky/classical style


I once meet a river ...a river that ran
It tumbled down the mountain and raced across the land
I asked the river where do you go..And to my amazement he said would you like to know
I go see the willow ..the willow that weeps
Her long reaching roots in my waters drink
And when she has quenched her thirst
when she has had her fill
I carry away the tears that she spilled

I once met a robin a robin who sang
I asked the robin why do such a thing
Why sing with all your heart at the break of day….To my amazement this she did say
I sing for the willow for she is the most beautiful tree
I sing to the rhythm of the wind in her leaves
And from high up in my nest... I see the sunrise
I sing with all my heart is that a surprise

I once meet a willow... a willow that wept
And through this willow the wind calmly swept
I asked with pity why had she cried ...and to my amazement this she replied
The warmth that the sun gives…. the sweetness of the rain
The good earth beneath me…. I do not complain
Pity me not, for the only cross I bear
is that the world is so beautiful it brings me to tears
posted on #5
Posts: 63
Joined: Feb 26, 2014
Thanx so much for sharing your words Tu, I might need them somwhen as I'm sometimes short of inspiration !
posted on #6
Posts: 48
Joined: Nov 3, 2015
Hi, Great idea. so I'v done a quick fun track of your super lyrics-"Ear Worm,hope you like it
posted on #7
Posts: 282
Joined: Aug 19, 2013
Tu, your ear worm lyrics sounds great! Can't get it out of by brain! Hope I can pick up a little interlude somewhere to feed him right...:)
posted on #8
TeeGee Supporter
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Just a suggestion, if someone uploads a song with the lyrics, then please don't forget to add the link here, too :)
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posted on #9
Tu Supporter
Posts: 113
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Here is another lyric....I can imagine a hard rock bluesy band shouting this one out

One Way Love

I picked you up...can’t put you down
I’m looking for you….driving all around town
I get this feeling….This love ain’t real
You drive me round the bend ….but I’m in love with you still

I was doing fine until you crashed into my life
You said it was an accident...but how am I to survive
Desire is cruel when unfulfilled
I’m driving too fast ….behind this wheel

I’m heading down a dead end road
Ignoring all the warning signs
This is only going one way….I must be out of my mind
I love you so much…. but you don’t love me
I’m heading for a brick wall at a fatal speed

One way Love...One way Love
One way Love…One way Love

It’s just a matter of time before you are mine
Or so I tell myself but I know that’s a lie
There’s gonna be a big crash on the lonely highway of love
Who’s gonna save me?
Lord above!

I’m heading down a dead end road
Ignoring all the warning signs
This is only going one way…..I must be out of my mind
I love you so much…. but you don’t love me
I’m heading for a brick wall at a fatal speed

One way Love...One way Love
One way Love…One way Love
posted on #10
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Joined: Nov 15, 2014
I dig it B-)
posted on #11
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Joined: Nov 15, 2014
I can almost imagine it with this one #91439, although it's not a rowdy number ;-)
posted on #12
Posts: 282
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Tu, I am sure that is easy to write great songs with your lyrics! You are a talented writer. As far as I understand you are looking for new compositions for these lyrics. Or are you looking for new voices to sing your tunes? ... You can't steel your own lyrics if you use them twice; that means you - and only you - can adopt them to several existing templates with "little" work in every new try.
Personally I would ask you for your written agreement if I am going to publish the melody I have written for one of your lyrics. Because these lyrics belong to you! Why don't you use them? Don't you know the the right IDs waiting for your lyrics? :)
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posted on #13
Tu Supporter
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Dear Neronick,

I love to write lyrics but I have a big back log. It takes me a long time to develop a lyric to a full song. I thought it would be nice to share out these lyrics that need music because it may be years before I get around to using them. Also, I recognize my strength is with words and composing music is harder for me. I really don't mind If I never sing any of them but I do get a kick out of hearing what some else can do with them. I am also happy to sing of course.
posted on #14
Posts: 126
Joined: Jul 24, 2014
Thank you for this thread ;)

If anyone wants, he can use my lyrics here at wikiloops. The lyrics can be found on the respective song ;o)
posted on #15
Posts: 282
Joined: Aug 19, 2013
Dear Tu,
I love your idea of forming composer teams for unfinished ideas! This is the main reason for me to be a member of this fantastic site!
I have hundreds of lyrics without music and hundreds of melodies without the right hookline yet...and you are right, in most cases it takes years to refresh some old but not forgotten ideas. I love to create new songs. It really happens every day!
And thanks to Uloisius, too, who has written some great songs after hearing the templates and the prepared melody! I really love our grown babys and hope nobody will ever mistreat them!
Don't hesitate to ask me for the lyrics if you like to transform german to english. Most templates have lyrics, too.
posted on #16
Posts: 133
Joined: Sep 14, 2016
Used your lyrics Ear Worm on song Track # 131234

posted on #17
Posts: 133
Joined: Sep 14, 2016
Used your lyrics Willow on track #157072 Thank You for sharing.
( Lot’s of Room for Leads, Wind Instruments, Strings whatever you play. ):D


Tu wrote:
this one is suited to a folky/classical style


I once meet a river ...a river that ran
It tumbled down the mountain and raced across the land
I asked the river where do you go..And to my amazement he said would you like to know
I go see the willow ..the willow that weeps
Her long reaching roots in my waters drink
And when she has quenched her thirst
when she has had her fill
I carry away the tears that she spilled

I once met a robin a robin who sang
I asked the robin why do such a thing
Why sing with all your heart at the break of day….To my amazement this she did say
I sing for the willow for she is the most beautiful tree
I sing to the rhythm of the wind in her leaves
And from high up in my nest... I see the sunrise
I sing with all my heart is that a surprise

I once meet a willow... a willow that wept
And through this willow the wind calmly swept
I asked with pity why had she cried ...and to my amazement this she replied
The warmth that the sun gives…. the sweetness of the rain
The good earth beneath me…. I do not complain
Pity me not, for the only cross I bear
is that the world is so beautiful it brings me to tears

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