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New Online Jam???

New Online Jam???

posted on #1
Posts: 21
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Hello everyone, I just saw the youtube video of the online jam and I think that should happen more often, If anyone is interested I would love to do one of those online jams :D, of course the meeting will be awesome but for those of us who can´t be there we can have a nice jam still and say hello to everyone :)
posted on #2
wjl Supporter
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Hmmm don't know if the latencies won't be too much. I once saw Scott Devine from the UK jamming with a studio owner in LA or so - and they had about a second delay I would say? So not really "real time"...

... aaahh I think I've found it, it's here:


Scott talks a lot, but when finally playing with Warren over in L.A. I think you hear and see the problem... oh, and they're great guys of course, both of them.
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posted on #3
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Thx a lot for your time wjl, I think I understand the "live" situation, but we can always record a video and edit it so that way it can be a kind of a jam experience I guess, not many options left actually besides start saving loads of money to travel and jam with everyone at least once hahahah
posted on #4
Tu Supporter
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If anyone wishes to fly me anywhere to jam with them I'm all up for the real jam experience! Anyone here have a studio in LA?
Ha ha I can dream! Great thread, I too wondered about latency...a live jam would depend on faultless internet connection. I'm sure we could create a fun video though...like videos of the same song recorded by the individuals and then mixed after...you could have the video displaying 4 different screens or more. I did once consider doing a video where I am singing with the cardboard cut outs of the other musicians...just an interesting way to explain how the loops work.
posted on #5
wjl Supporter
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Hmm yes, good idea! Like Jacob Collier does it, or like the "Playing for change" project? I'm in...

posted on #6
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Jussef , Im trying to understand what video you saw but are you refering to one of these online collaberation videos? Im trying to understand your idea.

Its just a matter of everyone recording their part as best possible and the seperate videos edited. I was experimenting with this a few years ago before I found the Loops and gave up on the Youtube thing because everyone was more focused on my missing finger tip.

I have one of these where I played bass on the Yes song, Tempus Fugit somewhere.

Are you suggesting something like this?

posted on #7
wjl Supporter
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Relativity wrote:I have one of these where I played bass on the Yes song, Tempus Fugit somewhere.

There - we have someone who can do the video editing part! :Y

Awesome performance in that video -is that you on the bass as well? Sorry if I have to ask; I'm new around here...

posted on #8
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wjl wrote:
Relativity wrote:I have one of these where I played bass on the Yes song, Tempus Fugit somewhere.

There - we have someone who can do the video editing part! :Y

Awesome performance in that video -is that you on the bass as well? Sorry if I have to ask; I'm new around here...


No Wolfgang that is not me. I have a missing finger tip and everyone notices so I gave up on videos.! Im trying to undersstand Jussefs idea better!
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posted on #9
wjl Supporter
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Relativity wrote:No Wolfgang that is not me. I have a missing finger tip and everyone notices so I gave up on videos.! Im trying to undersstand Jussefs idea better!

I see, thanks for explaining.

Re: the missing finger tip - have you seen the video in my post from above, of the 'Playing for change' project? I think some of these are street musicians, some are very poor, and the one with which it all started is now dead already. Still no reason *not* to play - I love this first one of theirs:


So let's see what Jussef has in mind - but it sounds like a very nice idea. Plus I surely hope to see you one day - even if it's only in a video!

posted on #10
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I play online jams very often and the latency is not an issue. There is an open source software for Reaper, this is Ninjam, and their website is:
Practically I can't find any "real" latency, but it is quite tricky and more difficult. There is latency of course, this is the nature of the web, but you don't FEEL it. Read the Ninjam website for details.
Sometimes very long online jams happen, four or five hours long. You can try it, it is very funny. For example this is a YT file of a (very long) jam. You can see the feeling in it :)
This site:
uses Ninjam, and you can see and listen to the participants in realtime.
posted on #11
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Thanks Paul. You taught me something.
posted on #12
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There is a standalone "online jammer":
It is based on Ninjam and you don't need Reaper (but it has a VST version, too).
But I have to tell you the online jams are more stressful than playing on Wikiloops, you don't have time to correct the mistakes or re-record the tracks again and again :)
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posted on #13
moonchild Supporter
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PaulTreff wrote:
I play online jams very often and the latency is not an issue. There is an open source software for Reaper, this is Ninjam, and their website is:
Practically I can't find any "real" latency, but it is quite tricky and more difficult. There is latency of course, this is the nature of the web, but you don't FEEL it. Read the Ninjam website for details.
Sometimes very long online jams happen, four or five hours long. You can try it, it is very funny. For example this is a YT file of a (very long) jam. You can see the feeling in it :)
This site:
uses Ninjam, and you can see and listen to the participants in realtime.

That video was RAD :D Great, thanks for sharing!!
posted on #14
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Thanks everyone, for your awesome info, I think I prefer the thing done in Relativity’s video, still I am goi g to research the suggested link for the live jam, sounds interesting 😊, anyway I will offer video if we can plan a jam that will include a video in the final mix, the video I saw was a wikiloops jam with many musicians including Dick
posted on #15
wjl Supporter
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jussef63 wrote:...I think I prefer the thing done in Relativity’s video...

I see Jussef. Hmmm it can be done with programs like Adobe Premiere Pro which I don't have (I'm on Linux, so no Adobe whatever for me, also no Protools, Logic, and so on).

These guys who do covers and rearrangements of video game music do it nicely. The young man's name is Carlos, and I think by now he made it onto the Berklee College of Music:


Wrote about them some time ago because I liked that concept, even if I'm not much of a video producer:


Anyway if that's how you want to do it, I'm in. Great idea IMHO.

posted on #16
Dick Supporter
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I believe the video jussef is talking about must be this one:

I do agree it would be very nice to do something similar in 2018, and wether you believe it or not, that has been on my "wish we could get around to that"-list for quite some time.

Seeing that you folks seem up to something like that, I'll do my very best to provide the necessary infrastructure (where to upload ones video snippet?), some general guidelines (which key and BPM are we working in?) and a quick checklist of things that would help create a really awesome video.

Since we'd be collaborating on a new track + video, this will be a bit more tricky than a video collab on a well known song, so it will take a little organizing, and quite a lot of mixing and cutting video, which I'd offer to take care of -
maybe we could involve MrBee or someother mixing wizard on the music mix, too.

You know, I really don't like to be a nay-sayer or a delay sayer, but i'll need a few more weeks to prepare the needed infrastructure and a sound concept.
Nothing is worse than starting some enthusiastic collab and ending up incapable of finishing the project because of unforeseen issues...
I've learned that the hard way, trust me :)

Thanks for the shared examples and links here, I had come across most of these things but took the opportunity to check out ninjam once more.
Instead of feeling a competition between ninjam and the 'loops, I rather like their quite rough solution to the old latency issues. That is obviously one of those independent early-internet-days open source pieces of code which have inspired me along the way (hey, I did live peer to peer video streams in 2003 (!) with some open source tool). I do love such projects, tho one must be a bit of a nerd to use this kind of stuff.
posted on #17
OliVBee Supporter
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A new wikiloops video project yeah ! of course i'm game to play and mix where it's needed :)
posted on #18
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You nailed it Dick and I can help with whatever is needed as well. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻😊✌🏻
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posted on #19
mpointon Supporter
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Really like the sound of this. Just hope my bandwidth is up to such a job. Download's good but I only have 1.2mBit up :|
posted on #20
Marceys Supporter
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No problem to have only 1,2 mb upload....

This works the same way of the wikiloops principle.....

Download, add and the next one is on.....

It ain’t live... although it feels live.....

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ladybass from Spain

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