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All Along the Mulberry Bush

All Along the Mulberry Bush

Lyric #1820 by Davnel99

Tags: Girl chases Boy, love
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Davnel99 posted on Apr 10, 2018 #1
Posts: 35
Joined: May 28, 2015
All Along the Mulberry Bush

yeah the monkey chased the weasel
she chased him for all these days
she just wanted to hold him
and show him the many ways

the ways that she loved him
the ways that she cared
hoping he would let her in
but only if he dared

was it too much to ask
why can't he see her heart
was it too hard of a task
to let her be a part

a part of his secret world
the part that lasts forever
she wants to taste his lips
and never hear the words never

so will this last until the end of days
will she chase him until he finally drops
just how much longer will this go
until the weasel pops

Gomer LePoet .... aka Dave Nelson Davnel99
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