Lyric #2620 by dash1

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posted on #1
dash1 Supporter
Posts: 75
Joined: Feb 6, 2021
singer #1

Can you tell me
How it feels to be alone inside your head
Is there room for me beside you
Or do you like the loneliness
And won't you tell me
Do you go there for the memories
Or are you trying to forget
Won't you tell me
'cause I will be here waiting
I'll wait until you let me in
Just let me in

singer #2

How do I break free
Of this prison that I've built inside my head
You know I need someone beside me
To take away the loneliness
And I know you're out there
Yes I know you're out there waiting
For me to let you in
I'll let you in


Everybody needs a hero
To chase away the shadows in the night
To show a little kindness
and let you know that everything's alright
And help you through the darkness
through the darkness in your life
Everybody needs a hero
Everybody needs a hero

singer #2

I wasn't looking for a hero
but you were always by my side
standing strong beside me
you helped me through the darkness in my life
I wasn't looking for a hero
wasn't looking for a hero


Everybody needs a hero
To chase away the shadows in the night
To show a little kindness
and let you know that everything's alright
And help you through the darkness
through the darkness in your life
Everybody needs a hero
Everybody needs a hero
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