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The girl at Donegal station

The girl at Donegal station

Lyric #2911 by Zoot

Tags: Irish ballad folk song
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Zoot Supporter
Posts: 62
Joined: May 2, 2020
In case anyone wants to do a better job of the vocals than i managed on #240622

The girl at Donegal station

I was Waitin’ to cross to the station
When I saw her standing there
She looked so fine and handsome
with a shock of auburn hair

I bought a ticket to Derry
There she was as I turned round

But the luggage it told her story
For she was America bound

The girl at Donegal station
She is America bound
The girl at Donegal station
Her new life waitin’ to be found
The girl at donegal station
Her new life waitin’ to be found

Will I dare say hello
Will I ask for her name?
One day will I tell her that I love her?
And on that day Will she feel the same way ?
The girl at Donegal station

And on that day Will she feel the same way ?
The girl at Donegal station
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If someone had told me that one day I played with musicians from all over the world I would have taken for a madman. Today this is real! Thanks Dick
Stef - Italy

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