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RIP GemmyF / Jim Forsythe

RIP GemmyF / Jim Forsythe

posted on #1
TeeGee Supporter
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GemmyF / Jim Forsyth RIP

I am very sorry to have to write this, I have just been told that Gemmy has passed away, those that knew him might remember that in 2017 or so he was basically dead for 40 minutes, only to be reanimated after they worked on him frantically, he said it was a one in a million chance. This had a profound effect on him, and he embarked on a period of amazing creativity, which we all enjoyed here at Wikiloops. It was during that time that we started working on our album for the “Herring King Band” – he wrote all the lyrics, many of the music parts, most were dealing with his death experience and his feelings about it, and some were just pure Jim mayhem. Crazy, funny, creative, he could sing, play guitar, hammer a bit on the drums, but also could draw funny pictures – he also drew the album cover. For the period of the creation of the album he was amazing…I felt he was my musical brother, he could write a song about anything, me writing “ka-ka-kaaah” in the shoutbox is an example of that, turned into the song MuzzyWasHeWasAFuzzy“.

Anyway, unfortunately Jim also had a wild side that was difficult to live with, he liked to kick the milk bucket so to say, and find out where the lines in the sand are, and then try to cross them to see what would happen. In the end we had to part ways with Jim, but although we were not on speaking terms anymore I often thought of him. Especially when working on the second band album, I really missed his music and his input, although maybe not the chaos that came with it.

I looked through my emails and found a picture that he drew and sent me, I think maybe it was a draft for the album cover, or maybe just a drawing but that picture is Jim in a nutshell.
So people, if you knew him, listen to the album, enjoy his music, and raise a glass to Jim, may he rest in peace - although there is a good chance he is up there causing mayhem in the big studio in the sky.


© Herring K
Lyrics by GemmyF

There's so many things I'd like to tell you
There's so many things I've never said

Oh the the time is slipping away
don't know if I'm going to
and I fear Love
you're gonna to leave me

Oh there's so many things
I’d like to do
so many places I’d like to see

What if there isn’t enough time and I can’t make it to the finish line

If you want to hold me….if you want to take my hand……
If you want to make me free
Is there time…..is there time?

TeeGee attached the following image:

Edited by TeeGee on May 30, 2023 at 10:01 PM
posted on #2
ivax Supporter
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I am very saddened by this news, GemmyF was as described by TG, rest in peace Jim
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posted on #3
DirkL Supporter
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This is sad news indeed. I am aware of some of his work, he was a creativity powerhouse there for a while. Any loss in the Wikilooops family stings. Rest in peace Jim.
posted on #4
Tofzegrit Supporter
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Good bye Jim, you were an artist in all the ways of creativity with the perfect dose of madness
posted on #5
bluvation Supporter
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Such very sad news! but I have no doubt in my mind that Jim is busy re-drawing the city limits of his new hometown and sharing his god given talent and creative ideas with a new band already. His encouragement and knowledge of music's early groups and artists was so refreshing to a newbie like me when I first joined the wiki community. R.I.P. Jim
posted on #6
Bothen Supporter
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I considered Jim a friend. We had a sit down lunch in Tomball Tx. when he visited his sister, we were to have more. He was nothing like his online persona, he was calm and clear headed.

One of my favorite tracks I did with him is #113546 When I was working on that one I realized how Jim had Zappa like quality about him and working with him privately I started to believe he was a savant.

I think a fitting tribute would be to have his name reinstated so when future Loopers hear his organized chaos they will know the name Gemmy.
posted on #7
Wade Supporter
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I didn't do many tracks with Gemmy, but certainly enjoyed his creativity and found his bouncing off the wall amusing. We shared some correspondence regarding his an my artworks as that seemed to be a common bond. Unfortunately we didn't correspond beyond his membership here. RIP my friend!
posted on #8
wjl Supporter
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Sad news indeed - but thanks for letting us know, Tee. Jim helped me a lot when I was a rookie here, he was cool... RIP my friend.
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posted on #9
jamlady Supporter
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Very sad news. He was an exceptional artist. I played with him too. This is my favorite piece with him.
Rest in peace Jim and I am convinced that life goes on after mortal death.
posted on #10
Carlomac Supporter
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I didn't know Jim but listening to some of his tracks he strikes me as a talented and original artist. Rip
posted on #11
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I want to share.....

For those who knew the real Jim you knew the man he really was.;)

He was a lot of things beyond just his music. Jim was a gifted artist, photographer, and more importantly a loyal Father to his son Daniel. Jim was a God fearing man which I have no doubt he is blessed to be in the presence of.

I am honored to say Jim was also my friend outside of the loops..albeit an online friendship but none the less a real and close connection. We did some special music with each other about things we believed in. This music was for our own personal consumption and I will treasure it forever.

Those who know and follow me can see I have not been very active on Wikiloops. Sometime ago I fell into a "musical depression" and I just do not feel the music anymore.

It had been a little time since I talked with Jim but he contacted me last month about using my drums on some of his tracks. I agreed to work with him on his new project called "North n South"

He was also motivating me to pick up the guitar and bass and expand his musical vision which I was slowly doing.

It was like he knew I was struggling and it was good for my soul to get back to music. Jim was doing his part to inspire me when I needed it most.

Jim and I have been going back and forth this past month on "Demo Tracks" working out a new sound, I felt inspired again all thanks to Jim.

I never knew he may have been sick or having issues again so this is a total shock to me!! I know his health has been fragile since his last incident some years ago so that may have been a factor.

Jim could be a "handful" for sure and I am heart broken to loose him.

Here is one of the last things he wrote about me on Bandcamp which meant a lot to me:)
He knew how to pay it forward and was always complimentary.

I added a link for one of the Demo's we were working on which he posted:W

Jim thanks for inspiring me again my spiritual Brother<3 Track #94202


"Ron's (mortheol) drums come from a place of total vision of a whole sound...the whole band sound not just his drums. He makes his drums fit into his imagined song(he can play guitar and bass and keys (if I recall)
And the stuff I hear him imagine on the drum track(knowing how he plays guitar and bass) I really am inspired.
so I have a track like Ron POUNDS and it's like a non stop run of creativity to keep up with him yet so freeing to do WHAT I Do...because I have learned to trust myself musically...not the other guys...and it has me in my corner....and these two, Ron and Me, AND I'd like to introduce Him as the one who is oneness itself ... in which Ron and are of of! Through Him! (released April 24, 2023)"
posted on #12
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Ron, aka Mortheol gave me this, obviously not only for me, very sad news today. I was really shocked and deeply saddened by this loss. And even if we often disagreed, or maybe even exactly because of that, we liked and appreciated each other very much. We have exchanged, even now, very often exchanged ideas. He was really a great talent, not only musically.
I really liked his sometimes really crazy song ideas. I could also always count on his help. A few years ago Jim made an album here in WL "Ulo`s Keller 2 - Party Keller" He also made the cover and I requested the file for the album cover in high resolution, he also sent me. I printed it out in high resolution on our plotter (60cm x 60cm) in the office and then had it professionally framed. And now finally, after a few years and quite a few redesigns, I had found a permanent place for it a few weeks ago. I see it every day and am always reminded of you Jim. Rest in peace my friend, you will always be with me.
frankyguitar attached the following image:

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posted on #13
Posts: 8
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What a very sad news. I feel honoured i met Jim on Wikiloops. Sometimes in life you meet special,
inspiring people. For me Jim was one of them. I can remember some hilarious conversations and we made a couple of songs together wich Jim played with his special guitartuning.
Nowadays i still listen to his songs. On Bandcamp "The Tight Emo Funks" and on Wikiloops especialy songs with Demian, Fish and eGil.
posted on #14
Posts: 37
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Thanks very much for the post mate. Don't think I know Jim very much, but I had a long journey together with Gemmy, since he came in here. Brilliant mind, knew what to do with his voice every single time. Thanks again for the heads up.
The memories are great
posted on #15
hartmut Supporter
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He inspired me so very much when I joined WL.
Very sad news, R.I.P Jimmy :|
Jimmy, with all Your wonderful creativity, I wish You a blessed journey.
posted on #16
TeeGee Supporter
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Ernie posted this in another thread here:

"A lot of people on this forum will remember former Wikiloops member Gemmy (RIP), and his music, his personality ... Got a msg from his wife recently telling me about an art show/exhibit that he's featured in with his son Daniel, down in south Texas. sharing it here for anyone who might be interested


There was one passage in the text that made me laugh, because I had the pleasure of wresting with that mentioned ego:

"In 1983, after Jim swept every scholarship and award UT Austin Art Department had to offer, a fellow student commented, “Jim has an ego the size of St. Louis;” to which Jim replied, “That’s not a very big city.” :D

"...During his final years, Jim spent more time on his musical interests. He met musicians from around the world via Wiki Loops and forged collaborative bonds with them as well..."
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