Bebop Baby
no additional instruments available so far, be the first to
Such a fun track! Added some vocals and lyrics to get you up dancing!
A remix would be nice to bring out the highs and lows of these instruments. I'd love another instrument or two to fill it out a bit...
Shuffle backing tracks with Drums, Bass, Keys and Vocals:
best liked Shuffle:
Walking in the city (upright bass)
Salty Water
Norway Perks
Cute artificial attitude
Four Piece Blues
Salty Water
Fame Hammond
Northern Lights woXeys chill mix
shuffle in 55
BluesLovers (w bass)
back again
Shuffle blues guitar
Norway perc 4...
Shuffle Lovers 💝
Break The Silence
Dafunka Stevie Ray Shuffle
Rooster Blues
Maybe just in my head...
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