Experiments In Time

Marceys 1514 jams
Remix step I
mpointon 791 jams

available remixes:

+ 20
Nov 4, 2015
New kit set up. Back down to a four-piece kit but with the snare miked top and bottom again. I dropped one of my SM57s on the hard floor in Urft and killed it so I'm a mic down. I also set up my Yamaha snare as a second snare to the left of the hi-hat. It's not miked up but the overheads pick it up but it's off to the right of the stereo image making it sound like ...
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Hey! +1
November 5, 2015 at 3:32 AM
mpointon Hey! +0
My mind went rattling...you blew me off with that odd timing..started from 1:50...Starting to imagine what is on your trying to provide those nasty off beat timing but coming back to it. What a genius. +1
November 5, 2015 at 3:33 AM
mpointon Thanks, Kenny. I'd love to hear what you can add here! Feel free to throw your guitar down the stairs as I think that what I did with the drums! +0
Oh yeah! You did it again Martin! Very cool rhythm for this track! I love your timing and ways of accenting the different parts! You made this track much more workable for bassplayers! Thanks for your cool musical ride! :) +1
November 5, 2015 at 3:31 AM
mpointon SOOOO glad you like it, Marc (I'd hope you'd say if you didn't). I don't know, I just felt like going a bit mad. But in a dynamic way. I think it's a bit too silly in places - too many breaks from the beat. But I it was so refreshing to just go with what I felt!

It was too easy to play normal time, which is what I'm supposed to do! I wanted to push myself. :|
November 5, 2015 at 4:42 PM
Marceys please don't ever think that you are supposed to do something in some way! It's also cool when a track is going an direction you didn't expect sometimes.
Love it man! Thanks a lot for the great music!
this giving me the feeling a live jamming sessions Martin, just play on and that is super cool! +1
What a contrast to the previous post! Such creative rhythms all making sense with a beautiful flow. Was going to download, but like this duet and wouldn't want to hide or clutter what is so good. +1
November 5, 2015 at 3:35 AM
mpointon Please add! I hope the drums aren't too silly for you! Please! Pretty please with sugar on! +5
November 5, 2015 at 10:23 PM
Wade The drumming on this makes total sense to me (am I twisted?). Will download...no promises. +1
Cool track Martin and Marc. Some real nice stick pattern work from 2:00 - 2:30.
I like this mucho gusto :)
November 5, 2015 at 3:34 AM
mpointon Thank you, Davnel for your kind words. So hard to tell for me! +0
Métronomus fantasticum ! ;) +1
hey mr p... are the snare mice set out of phase? if not probably should be...sounds kinda ...dunno strangled maybe.
loving the patterns though... might even have a go!
November 12, 2015 at 3:25 PM
mpointon I checked the project and the bottom mic has its phased reversed. I've been having some phasing oddness from my overheads which I need to deal with. The snare had a lot of damping on it though.

Does sound a bit dull though, you're right.
The "man´s drummer" perfect time , sound and percussion phrasing +0
So many great fills. Amazing! +0

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